What if one sets aside money to purchase a korban chatat, with a particular level of korban in mind, and then he becomes wealthier or less wealthy and wishes to purchase a more expensive or less expensive kind of korban on the sliding scale: Keritot 27b
What if one purchases a korban chatat, and then he becomes wealthier or less wealthy and wishes to purchase a more expensive or less expensive kind of korban on the sliding scale, and the original becomes impure and he redeems it - may he purchase a more/less expensive korban with the money?: Keritot 27b
What if one purchased a cheaper offering than he could afford, but he then became poor before he could bring it: Keritot 27b-28a
May one deduce laws from a general chatat to a chatat which is a korban oleh v'yored, and vice versa: Zevachim 8a
Whether a Nasi brings a korban oleh v'yored for sins that would warrant such a korban from others, or not: Keritot 2b
Does one bring a korban for swearing falsely if one is accused of owing a fine, and he swears falsely denying liability for the fine, before then admitting it: Ketuvot 42a-43a
Whether one brings an asham taluy [korban for uncertain guilt] if he is uncertain whether he committed a sin which warrants a korban oleh v'yored: Zevachim 48a; Keritot 22b