We try to speed burial, except where delaying will honor the deceased if it is a parent; we rush all burials on the Eve of Shabbat or Holidays, or if it is raining: Moed Katan 22a
Leaving the casket in the road for a while, to induce people to come and mourn: Moed Katan 27a
The above practice, for deceased women: Moed Katan 27a, 27b-28a
Burial of an infant who dies before reaching 30 days of age: Moed Katan 24a-b
Burial of an infant who dies between 30 days and 12 months old: Moed Katan 24b
Burial of an infant who looks older than 12 months, or is older and doesn't appear to be: Moed Katan 24b
One who buries others will be buried by others: Moed Katan 28b
One should be modestly secretive about his involvement in the Mitzvah: Succah 49b
The importance of burying someone who has nobody else to bury him: Succah 25b
Burial of a person who has been ex-communicated: Berachot 19a; Moed Katan 15a
The phenomenon of funeral-gogglers who come out of curiosity: Berachot 19b [see Rashi "machmat atzman"]
One may not instruct that his property should not be used for his own burial; one may not put the responsibility on the community: Ketuvot 48a
If one buries others, then others will bury them when it is their time: Ketuvot 71b-72a
Terming the cemetery "Chatzar Mavet": Berachot 18b (2x)
Lightheadedness in a cemetery: Megillah 29a
Herding animals: Megillah 29a
Redirecting a body of water through it: Megillah 29a
Gathering grasses: Megillah 29a
Sleeping in a cemetery, and Evil Spirits: Niddah 17a
The military's right to bury wherever a body dies, regardless of ownership of the property: Eruvin 17a
How to ensure that a grave will not become a spot for wild animals to rest: Eruvin 43b