Gd originally manifested Himself [Shechinah] with every Jew, until they sinned: Sotah 3b
Gd's Blessing is for "Shalom": Megillah 18a
Gd's Justice claiming that the Jews aren't different from the rest of the world, and Gd's response: Megillah 15b
Gd forgiving His own honor: Kiddushin 32a-b
Gd involves Himself with burial of the righteous: Sotah 9b, 14a
Gd's apparent partiality to the Jews: Megillah 25b
Reconciling Gd's impartiality with the promise of reward for mitzvot: Rosh HaShanah 17b
Gd will not forget the Jews' merits: Megillah 16a
Gd helping those who have an Awe of Heaven, in the performance of mitzvot: Succah 49b
The Evil Inclination would triumph daily, if not for the aid of Gd in defeating it: Succah 52a-b
Gd As the "Tzur [Rock/Artist]": Berachot 5b
Gd As the Ritual Bath of the Jews: Yoma 85b
The Name "Eh--yeh Asher Eh--yeh": Berachot 9b
Giving the Jews Poverty as a Gift: Chagigah 9b
Circumcision is considered an "Ot", a Sign Between Gd and the Jews: Shabbat 132a
Tefillin is considered an "Ot", a Sign Between Gd and the Jews: Shabbat 132a
Shabbat is considered an "Ot", a Sign Between Gd and the Jews: Shabbat 132a
Making the Jews Unique, even as we celebrate Gd's uniqueness: Berachot 6a, Chagigah 3a
Gd is Praised via the glory of the Jews: Berachot 6a
Gd "Praying" to have mercy on the Jews: Berachot 7a
Gd Looking to see whether a Quorum is at the synagogue on time: Berachot 6b
Gd wanting the Jews to Study Torah: Berachot 5a
Anticipating the Temple Offerings of the Jews on the Holidays: Chagigah 4b
Remarriage of Gd and the Jews: Yoma 86b
Gd calling the Jews "Rayim [friends]": Chagigah 7a
Even the "emptiest" of Jews is as full of Mitzvot as a pomegranate: Eruvin 19a
The Jewish people calling out to Gd to note their dedication to Mitzvot, and to note the way the wicked are ungrateful for the gifts which Gd gives to them: Eruvin 21b
Gd's relationship to the Jews via the Temple Altar: Ketuvot 10b
When Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra's son-in-law [the son of Rabbi Chiyya] decided to marry his wife before going to yeshiva, he was embarrassed before Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra. Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra calmed him by pointing out that Hashem first said that the Jews would enter Israel before having a Beit haMikdash, and then Hashem so desired to be with us that He gave us a Mishkan in the wilderness: Ketuvot 62b
The Jews are to be Gd's servants, not servants to other servants: Bava Metzia 10a
Manifestation of Gd's Presence is with a praying Congregation: Berachot 6a, 6b
Phylacteries of Gd, and their Parchments: Berachot 6a
The knot of Gd's Phylacteries: Berachot 7a
The "fine scent" of people who haven't sinned: Eruvin 21b
Forgiving someone in the merit of another, if they ask based on their own merit; and vice versa: Berachot 10b
Gd will abolish an Edict for the sake of a righteous person: Moed Katan 16b
Gd praises people who triumph in uniquely difficult battles with their Evil Nature: Pesachim 113a
The Jews as the children of Gd: Shabbat 89b
Considering the Jews to be children of Gd when they fulfill the Commandments, or even when they don't: Kiddushin 36a
The power of Gd's Edicts, when declared with[out] an Oath: Yevamot 105a
The power of Gd's Edicts on Individuals/Groups: Yevamot 105a
Gd will still speak with the Righteous in Dreams: Chagigah 5b
Gd cursing the holidays of the Jews of Israel: Shabbat 145b
Comparison of the Jews to the Aravah species, which lives near the water, and how they made themselves into an invalid type of Aravah, which doesn't live near the water: Succah 34a
Protection of Gd during Divine Hiding: Chagigah 5b
Gd doesn't leave the Jews leader-less: Megillah 11a