Departure from Egypt and the Generation of the Desert
Life in Egypt
Pesach of Egypt; Leaving Egypt
Remembering the Departure from Egypt
Aharon and his Sons
Splitting of the Red Sea
The Sinai Desert and the Encampment
Kalev [Caleb]
Datan and Aviram
The "Marah" Rebellion
The Manna
Rephidim, Masah uMerivah and Miriam's Well
The War with Amalek
The Giving of the Torah
Eigel - The [Golden] Calf
The Mishkan [Tabernacle] of the Desert
Dedication of the Tabernacle
Census of the Tribe of Levi and Redemption of the Firstborn by the Tribe of Levi
Declaration of the "Second Pesach" Holiday
The Spies
Events of the 9th of Av
Events of the 15th of Av
The Shabbat Wood Chopper; The Daughters of Tzelafchad
Korach's Rebellion
The Quail
Eldad and Meidad
The Copper Snake
The Bnot Moav, and Pinchas
Miscellaneous personalities, events and practices in the desert
The end of the 40th Desert Year
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