Moses as one of the 7 "Shepherds" - King David, flanked on the right by Adam, Shet and Methuselah, and on the left by Avraham, Yaakov and Moses: Succah 52b
The differences between Moses and Samuel: Nedarim 38a
Moses learned from Gd. Moses then taught it to Aharon, and Aharon sat by his side. Moses then taught it to Aharon's two sons, who then sat by their side. Moses then taught it to the elders. Moses then left, and Aharon taught it to the others. Aharon left, and his sons taught it to the others. The sons left, and the elders taught it to each other. This way, each learned four times: Eruvin 54
Because Moses was needed for the entire community, he is considered the equal of the entire community: Taanit 9a
Moses and Gd after Leaving Egypt
Hashem asking Moses on Sinai, "Don't they greet others in your city?" and Moses responding that a servant doesn't greet his Master: Shabbat 89a
Hashem's decision to make Moses's descendants into a nation: Berachot 7a
30 of Hillel's 80 students were fit to have the Shechinah upon them, as Moses did: Succah 28a
The Manifestation of Gd's Presence rests only upon one who is knowledgeable, wealthy, powerful and humble, as Moses was: Nedarim 38a
Yehudah's self-offered ex-communication had to be rescinded officially, even though the condition [loss of Binyamin] did not come true. Moses prayed to Hashem to repeal it, after Yehudah's bones refused to rest in the Jews' travels through the desert. Hashem repealed it because Yehudah's admission of error with Tamar was what allowed Reuven to admit his error involving Bilhah, and to merit the next world: Makkot 11b
The "Eshkol" people - People with Everything, Torah, Awe of Heaven and Generosity - learned Torah like Moshe himself: Temurah 15b
Moses defending the Jews
Moses as a true Supporter of the Generation: Yoma 86b
Moses's love for the Jewish people; he was an "Ohev Yisrael - Lover of the Jewish people" [see the context!]: Menachot 65a
Moses praying for the repentance of those who sin: Sotah 14a
Moses and Yitro
Bilaam, Job and Yitro were Pharaoh's advisors. Bilaam said to kill the Jewish babies, and so he was killed. Job was silent and so he was doomed to suffer. Yitro rebelled and fled, and so he merited to have children who would sit on the High Court [Sanhedrin]: Sotah 11a
Yitro told Moses, "Go towards Completeness," and he became great: Moed Katan 29a
Yitro came to the Jewish people in the desert when he saw that Gd had punished the Egyptians in kind with their deeds toward the Jews: Sotah 11a
Moses and Tzipporah
Moses and Tzipporah separating, because Hashem could appear to Moses at any time: Shabbat 87a
Hashem agreeing to the separation: Shabbat 87a
Moses and the Circumcision of his Son
Why Moses delayed in performing it: Nedarim 31b-32a
Gideon, Yiftach and Samson are known as the 3 "world lightweights," but their judicial power for their generation is compared to that of Moses, Aharon and Samuel, the "world heavyweights": Rosh HaShanah 25a-b
Moses and Aharon acting as the first court for declaring the New Month: Rosh HaShanah 25b
Moses Striking the Rock [Merivah]
Moses wanting his sin to be recorded in the Torah: Yoma 86b
Pharaoh had the boys thrown in the river because his astrologers informed him that the Jews' redeemer would die by water. In fact, this prophecy referred to Moses's problem with the Waters of Merivah, when he hit the rock: Sotah 12b
Gd's promise to Moses that Moses would get to establish cities of refuge: Makkot 12b
Gd was exacting in punishing Moses because that is the way He deals with very righteous people: Sotah 13b
Gd told Moses, "You have enough [Rav Lach]," as a punishment for Moses having told Korach, "You have enough." Alternatively, "Rav Lach" meant "You now have a master [Joshua]." Alternatively, "Rav Lach" meant "It is enough; don't make me appear too harsh": Sotah 13b
Why Moses wanted to make it into Israel: Sotah 14a
The impossibility of finding Moses's grave, despite all of the biblical signs of where it is: Sotah 13b-14a
Even Moses didn't know the site of his grave: Sotah 14a
Why Gd hid Moses's grave: Bach Sotah 14a
A failed attempt by the Romans to find Moses's grave: Sotah 13b-14a
Moses died in Reuven's part of Israel, and Gd's Manifestation [Shechinah] moved him to his burial in Gad's share, with the accompaniment of the angels: Sotah 13b
A Divine Voice which emerged during Moses's burial: Sotah 13b
Moses was brought along by Samuel when King Saul called him up with a Magician [Ov], as protection against what he thought was happening - Hashem's judgment: Chagigah 4b
Moses prophesied that the Jews would live in peace as long as they would live like Yaakov; Amos came along and said, "That blessing is over; who can be like Yaakov?": Makkot 24a
Moses prophesied that the Jews would not find rest in exile; Yirmiyah came along and said, "Gd will provide them with rest in their exile": Makkot 24a
Moses prophesied that Gd would punish children for [continuing] the sins of their parents; Yechezkel came along and said that people die only for their own sins: Makkot 24a
Moses prophesied that the Jews would be lost among the nations; Yeshayah came along and said that Gd would blow a great horn and bring them back: Makkot 24a
When Moses was dying, he told Joshua to ask any remaining questions. Joshua responded that, as it is written in the Torah, he had never left Moses' side. Immediately, Joshua forgot 300 laws, and 700 uncertainties developed in his mind. The people wanted to kill Joshua. Gd said to him, "It would not be possible to teach these laws to you; distract the people with war, instead.": Temurah 16a