A person must be strong like a leopard, light like an eagle, running like a deer, and powerful like a lion, to do Gd's will: Pesachim 112a
Devising Tactics to Aid Growth in awe of Gd: Berachot 17a
The above, as [part of] the Optimal Goal of a Person's Existence: Berachot 17a
Presuming to act based on "knowledge" of Gd's plans: Berachot 10a
One should even learn Torah and practice Mitzvot without pure intent, for that will bring him to do it with proper intent: Pesachim 50b
One's intent must be for Heaven; one who practices for another motive would have been better off [Some Translate: would have had an easier time of things] if he hadn't been created: Berachot 17a [See Tosafot #3]
Attitude towards Gd
Importance of awe of Gd: Berachot 6b, Yoma 72b
Humans are given control over their own awe of Gd: Megillah 25a
Moses's attitude toward awe of Heaven: Megillah 25a
Considering staring at a rainbow to be like attacking Gd's Honor: Kiddushin 40a
Recognizing, in Mitzvot for which a transgression is not visible to others, that Gd is still watching: Kiddushin 32b