Use of bamot [minor altars] before the Mishkan was built in the wilderness, with the first-born performing the service: Bechorot 4b
Collection for the Mishkan
Kontrikos the Noble challenging Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai (or Rabban Gamliel in some editions), regarding the math in Moshe's collection of silver for the Mishkan: Bechorot 5a [and see Rashi "mechetzah shalem" on the motivation of Kontrikos]
There were three separate Shekel-donations: (a) For the altar (b) For the board-links (c) For general upkeep of the Mishkan: Megillah 29b
Whether the Jews were told to stop bringing supplies for the construction because there was enough, or because it was Shabbat: Shabbat 96b
The Craftspeople and Suppliers
Each craftsperson had their own set of tools: Shabbat 96b
Moshe putting up the body of the Mishkan: Shabbat 92a
Timeline of the Mishkan
When Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra's son-in-law [the son of Rabbi Chiyya] decided to marry his wife before going to yeshiva, he was embarrassed before Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra. Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra calmed him by pointing out that Hashem first said that the Jews would enter Israel before having a Beit haMikdash, and then Hashem so desired to be with us that He gave us a Mishkan in the wilderness: Ketuvot 62b
The Mishkan was erected for its first real use on the first of Nisan: Shabbat 87b
The "Crowns" of the 1st of Nisan when the Mishkan was erected: Shabbat 87b
The pieces of the Mishkan were buried beneath the Temple, so that the enemy who destroyed the Temple should not be able to use Moses's work: Sotah 9a