Altars outside the Beit haMikdash - Bamot [singular: Bamah]
General Rules
Use of bamot
before the Mishkan was built in the wilderness
, with the first-born performing the service: Bechorot 4b
Use of bamot between the period of the
Mishkan in Shiloh
and of the Temple: Megillah 9b-10a, 10a
Preference for a bamah over the Tabernacle, or one bamah over another bamah: Temurah 14b
Whether an
may bring an offering on a bamah: Zevachim 16a
Sitting down
while performing a service on a bamah: Zevachim 16a
Communal Bamot outside the Beit haMikdash
Bringing offerings of personal vows: Megillah 9b
Bringing the Pesach Offering: Megillah 9b
Bringing communal offerings which did not have a specific time for their bringing: Megillah 9b
Personal Bamot
offerings of personal vows
: Megillah 9b; Temurah 14b
Bringing the
Pesach Offering
: Megillah 9b; Zevachim 14a
Bringing a
korban chatat [sin offering]
: Zevachim 14a
Bringing a
blemished animal
on a personal altar: Bechorot 14b; Temurah 7a
Bringing a
Nazirite's offerings
: Temurah 14b
flour offerings
: Temurah 14b
Whether a
pigul thought
disqualifies a korban brought on a bamah: Zevachim 14a
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