Seven lessons were taught before Rav Chisda one Shabbat morning in Sura, and that afternon before Rabbah in Pumbedita, by either Elijah the Prophet or Yosef sheida: Eruvin 43a
Yosef sheida did not keep Shabbat: Eruvin 43a
Igrat Bat Machlat
Came out on Wednesday nights and Friday nights: Pesachim 112b
Dangerous for one who is eating bran or the remains of bread on a Wednesday/Friday night: Pesachim 111b
In a Ruin: Berachot 3a-b
Efficiency against a group: Berachot 3b
Surrounding us completely: Berachot 6a
Responsible for crowd-cramping, weak knees, bruised feet, and worn clothing: Berachot 6a
Methods of detecting and observing them: Berachot 6a
Danger in their lair: Berachot 3b
Protection from Mazikin on Pesach night: Pesachim 109b, Rosh HaShanah 11b
Are involved with the danger of Magicked Pairs of 2: Pesachim 110b
Only Mazikin may live in Nevuchadnezzar's house now: Shabbat 149b
Abbaye had Rav Acha bar Yaakov sent to a room which was known to have a "Damaging Spirit" in it [without Rav Acha's knowledge], and when it appeared to Rav Acha bar Yaakov as a snake with 7 heads, each bowing of Rav Acha knocked off a head until it was defeated: Kiddushin 29b
Danger from Evil Spirits = Ruach Raah
Associating "Ruach Raah" with sheidim spirits: Rashi Eruvin 41b s.v. "O Ruach Raah"
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai's list of acts of which he said that the practitioner was sacrificing his own life, due to concerns for "Ruach Raah [Evil Spirits]": Niddah 17a
Evil spirits under "Bei Pirchi": Pesachim 111b
The Ruach Raah under Bei Pirchi don't have eyes: Pesachim 111b
Passing between a palm tree and a wall separated by no more than 4 Cubits: Pesachim 111a
Passing between 2 palm trees, if a public path doesn't cross between them: Pesachim 111a
Drinking water which a minor borrowed from someone in a field, where water is scarce: Pesachim 111a
Above, with wine or liquor: Pesachim 111a
Stepping, barefoot, over spilled water, if one hasn't sprinkled dirt in it and it hasn't been out since before sunset and less than 60 people have stepped over it: Pesachim 111a
Passing over spilled water of any situation, in a place of Magic: Pesachim 111a
Drinking diluted liquids which have been left exposed overnight, in certain types of vessels: Niddah 17a
Eating peeled garlic which has been left exposed overnight: Niddah 17a
Eating peeled onion which has been left exposed overnight: Niddah 17a
Eating peeled eggs which have been left exposed overnight: Niddah 17a