Righteous people speak less and act more: Nedarim 21b
Practices of Pious People - midat chassidut, or acts of a baal nefesh
Those who follow the words of the Sages are called "Tzanua [modest]": Niddah 12a
How they tried to make up for not being able to bring Sin Offerings, as Gd wouldn't let them sin in error: Nedarim 10a
Not soaking wheat on Pesach, although it takes a long time to soften: Pesachim 40a
Returning someone's items after saving them from a fire on Shabbat: Shabbat 120a
Not killing dangerous creatures on Shabbos, if they aren't currently menacing: Shabbat 121b
Burying or burning nails after cutting them: Moed Katan 18a
In the verses of the "Musaf" prayer of Rosh HaShanah: Rosh HaShanah 32b
Rushing to put Tzitzit-Fringes on garments, before theiur completion: Menachot 40b, 41a
Pious people are more stringent with themselves: Menachot 41a
Their conduct in having consecutive sexual relations without checking for menstrual blood in between: Niddah 16b
Causing physical suffering for themselves: Eruvin 18b
Practicing two opposite strictures in a case of doubt: Beitzah 4b
Granting a purchaser extra time to return an item he purchased: Bava Metzia 52b
Investing in such a way that one's partner will receive a profit, while I will have greater exposure to loss (karov l'hefsed, rachok l'schar): Bava Metzia 70a
Concern that a rabbi's merciful ruling intended to induce parties to transcend their obligations could lead to incorrect rulings in the future: Ketuot 50b
Gd and the Righteous
Gd will not allow sin to come to the righteous, even to the animals of the righteous: Ketuvot 28b; Nedarim 10a; Gittin 7a
Gd judges the righteous strictly: Sotah 13b; Bava Metzia 33b
Gd gives the righteous their full years of life, to the day: Sotah 13b