Whether this prohibition is valid beyond the time of the Temple: Kiddushin 37b
Application of this prohibition to both offerings and non-offerings: Keritot 22a
Prohibition against consumption: Pesachim 22a
Prohibition against any benefit: Pesachim 22a
Being careful to slice and drain the veins of a bird after slaughter: Berachot 8b
Whether the biblical prohibition is only on the blood with which life leaves [dam hanefesh], not with blood squeezed from the body later [dam hatamtzit]: Pesachim 16b, 65a; Zevachim 35a; Keritot 4b, 20b, 22a
Liability for blood from people: Ketuvot 60a; Keritot 20b-21a, 21b-22a
Liability for blood which emerges from one's mouth and gets on one's food: Ketuvot 60a; Keritot 21b-22a
Liability for swallowing blood which emerges from a wound in one's mouth: Ketuvot 60a; Keritot 21b-22a
Liability for blood from a koy: Yoma 74a-b; Keritot 21a
Liability for blood which is normally permissible, because of a "marit ayin" concern that one who sees it might not realize it is of a permissible variety - such as fish blood without scales present: Keritot 21b
Liability for blood from an animal that was consecrated, blemished and then redeemed: Bechorot 15a
A special trait of piety [mitzvat parush] in staying away from certain kinds of blood which might otherwise be permitted: Keritot 21b-22a
Beyond the laws
If there is reward for avoiding blood, which is disgusting, how much more reward must there be for avoiding those transgressions which a person desires!: Makkot 23b