The "Koy" כוי Creature
The Koy
The koy as a creature of unique taxonomy [briah bifnei atzmo בריה בפני עצמו]: Yoma 74b; Keritot 21a
The koy as a creature which is a
, we just don't know which: Bechorot 12a
Laws related to the Koy
Eating its
forbidden fats
: Yoma 74a-b; Keritot 21a
Eating its
: Yoma 74a-b; Keritot 21a
Eating its
gid hanasheh
: Keritot 21a
Eating a koy which
died without shechitah [kosher slaughter] and so it is a neveilah
: Keritot 21a
Bringing a
korban asham taluy [offering for uncertain guilt]
if one ate its potentially forbidden fat: Keritot 17b-18a
Whether its body
communicates impurity, if it dies without shechitah [tumat neveilah]
: Keritot 21a
Its status, in terms of its inclusion in certain categories in the event of certain vows: Nedarim 18b
Covering its blood
after it is killed: Beitzah 8a-b
Slaughtering a koy
on Yom Tov: Beitzah 8a-b
Concern that if one
covers a Koy's blood
, people will assume its
is permitted, since one may eat the fats of those animals for which blood-covering is a requirement: Beitzah 8b
Using a koy
to redeem a first-born male donkey [peter chamor]
: Bechorot 12a
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