Offerings brought after sinning - Korban Chatat
Liability for a korban chatat
General laws regarding korbanot chatat and the requirement to bring them
Asham Taluy - the korban for uncertain guilt
Sins which require a korban chatat
Intent to sin; Knowledge of one's sin
Cases of liability for multiple korbanot
Process of bringing a korban chatat
Repentance [Teshuvah]
Designating korbanot
Delay in bringing the korban
Semichah - Leaning on the korban
Service involving blood of a korban chatat
Unique aspects of the avodah [service] in the Beit haMikdash for a korban chatat
Issues of the intent one has when bringing a korban chatat
Disqualifications of the korban chatat
Types of communal korban chatat
Burnt korbanot chatat of oxen or goats - Parim haNisrafim and Seirim haNisrafim; Chataot haPnimiyot
Korbanot atoning for communal idolatry - se'ir avodah zarah
Korban of the community for an oversight - par he'elem davar shel tzibbur
Korban chatat brought communally as a musaf on Rosh Chodesh
Korban chatat brought communally as a musaf on Pesach
Korban chatat brought communally as a musaf on Shavuot
Korban chatat brought communally as a musaf on Succot
Types of personal korban chatat
Individual vs communal korbanot chatat
A standard korban chatat, brought for having sinned
Korban chatat from birds
Korban chatat of adjusted expense [sliding scale]
Chatat of a nazirite
Korban chatat of a kohen gadol, for an errant ruling which led to serious sin
Korban chatat of the nasi
Korban chatat of a woman after giving birth [Yoledet]
Korban chatat of a man or woman after genital discharge [Zav / Zavah]
Korban chatat of a metzora
Korban chatat brought by the kohen gadol, for the kohanim, on Yom Kippur
Disqualifications of the korban chatat
The status of items which touch a korban chatat
Blemished korbanot chatat
Disposal of a disqualified korban chatat, if it is already dead
Chataot haMeitot - Invalid korbanot chatat, which are allowed to die
Temurat Chatat - Animals which are substituted for korbanot chatat
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