Parim haNisrafim and Seirim haNisrafim [also known as "internal sin offerings" - Chataot haPnimiyot]
Please note: The parim hanisrafim are also known as the par he'elem davar shel tzibbur [brought to atone for communal error] and the par avodah zara [brought to atone for communal idolatry]. The seirim hanisrafim are also known as the seir avodah zara [brought to atone for personal idolatry]. Each has a separate file for its unique characteristics, as linked below; this file is for the items which are common to both.
When do these korbanot become subject to laws of meilah: Zevachim 35b
Bulls and goats brought as atonement for idolatry: Temurah 15b
Does pigul apply to korbanot brought in the heichal, to render them either pigul or pasul [disqualified] (depending on whether the thought occurs in the same place where the pigul would take place, or not): Zevachim 13b-14a, 43a, 44a, 44b-45a
Placing their blood on the mizbeiach permits the placement of their fats on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 43a
Eating the meat of a korban that is brought on the mizbeiach in the heichal when one is impure: Zevachim 46a-b
The meat from this korban is burned in the beit hadeshen: Zevachim 47b