Whether the status of Holachah as a "Real Service" has ample textual basis in the Torah: Chagigah 11a
Whether the bringing of limbs from a korban to the ramp of the Altar counts as a real Service: Eruvin 104a; Pesachim 65b; Zevachim 14b, 35a
Whether the bringing of wood to the altar counts as Service: Eruvin 104a; Pesachim 65b; Zevachim 35a
Whether one may bring an offering without actually performing an act of Holachah: Zevachim 4a, 13a
Disqualification of a korban because of an inappropriate thought while performing holachah: Zevachim 4a, 13a, 15a
Disqualification of a korban because of an inappropriate thought while performing an unnecessary act of holachah: Zevachim 15b
Defining "unnecessary" holachah: Zevachim 15b
If one performs holachah without actually travelling, but rather the item is handed off, is that "holachah" at all: Pesachim 64b; Zevachim 14a-b, 14b-15a
If one performs holachah by sitting down and scooting or crawling: Zevachim 14b
If holachah was done improperly, is it correctable by returning to the initial point and doing the holachah again: Zevachim 14b-15a, 15a-b
If holachah was done properly, is it then ruined if the item is returned to the initial point and then brought to the mizbeiach improperly: Zevachim 15a-b
How holachah is performed with flour offerings: Sotah 14b
How holachah is performed with a bird brought as a sin-offering, which is processed entirely by the side of the mizbeiach: Zevachim 15a