Service of a non-Kohen - Avodat Zar
How we know that a zar cannot perform avodah, in general: Zevachim 15b-16a
Penalty for a zar who performs avodah: Zevachim 23b
Bringing the korbanot of a
mechusar kapparah [person awaiting purification via korbanot]
: Shabbat 132a
Penalty for performing the
receipt of the blood
sprinkling of the blood
of a korban: Zevachim 13a
What happens if a non-kohen performs
kabbalat hadam
: Zevachim 4a, 13a [see Rashi], 14a-b, 15b, 15b-16a
What happens if a non-kohen performs
: Zevachim 14a-b, 15a-b
What happens if a non-kohen performs
zerikat hadam
: Zevachim 4a, 13a [see Rashi], 14a-b
What happens if a non-kohen performs one of the
non-required sprinklings of the blood of a chatat
: Zevachim 38b
was permitted to violate this law, on the night he brought his offering: Temurah 28b-29a
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