Is a convert considered to be mechusar kapparah until he undergoes zerikat hadam: Keritot 2b, 8b
A debate as to whether there are four or five, or even six, cases of Mechusar Kapparah: Keritot 2b, 8b
Do we consider the mechusar kapparah's multiple offerings, incurred in the course of multiple events, to be like other obligatory offerings, such that he must bring all sets of offerings in order to end his state, or do we consider them like immersions, such that a single set of offerings will suffice to end his state: Keritot 8a-b
Laws of a Mechusar Kapparah
Is a mechusar kapparah considered to possess the same level of impurity as he possessed before his statutory period of impurity elapsed, even though all that remains is for him to bring korbanot: Zevachim 17b
Whether a person must know with certainty that he is obligated to bring a chatat offering for purification, in order to be able to bring the korban: Keritot 7b
Do two people bring a joint chatat for purification if they know one of them needs it, but they are not sure which: Keritot 23a
Bringing a chatat ha'of even if Yom Kippur passed between the time when one may have incurred liability, and now, if the korban is brought to permit the owner to eat korbanot rather than to atone: Keritot 25a
Beyond the Laws
In order to ease the process of attaining atonement and purification, Gd did not require a minimum value for the mechusar kapparah's korbanot: Keritot 27a