Note: "Ger" refers to a convert to Judaism; it includes male and female, by default. "Giyyoret" refers to a female convert, and "Gerut" refers to conversion.
Which korbanot a ger must bring, and of which birds/animals, and how this is derived from biblical passages: Keritot 8b-9a
The possibility of a ger bringing bird offerings for his conversion: Keritot 8b-9a
Is a ger considered a mechusar kapparah until zerikat hadam from his korban: Keritot 2b, 8b
Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai originally required that converts set aside money for their offering, after destruction fo the Temple, but he later rescinded this enactment: Rosh HaShanah 31b
How we know that we accept converts even in an era when there is no Beit haMikdash in which to bring a conversion offering: Keritot 9a
Whether we require a ger to designate money for his offering during a period when there is no Beit haMikdash: Rosh haShanah 31b; Keritot 9a