Treatment of a Convert
Circumcision of a Convert
Conversion as a Beneficial Act for the Convert
Accepting Mitzvot
Immersion in a Ritual Bath
The Convert's Offering brought upon conversion
Conversion of a Minor
A Convert Sitting on a Court
Testimony of a Convert
Ketubah-Money Guaranteed to a Woman Upon Widowing/Divorce, for a Female Convert
Second-Pesach "Makeup" Celebration, for a Convert
Property of a Convert, or items stolen from a Convert [gezel hager], post-mortem
Sitting in a Succah-Hut on Succot
Being part of a Court for "Chalitzah"
Inheritance from/to nochri relatives
Marrying a Kohen
Conversion and pre-existing loans involving interest
Libations for the Offering of a Deceased Convert
Bringing the First Fruits to the Temple
Becoming a Sotah
Acquiring an Eved Ivri, or being acquired as one
Bringing a korban after giving birth
A fine for one who rapes a convert
Menstrual blood sighted soon after conversion
Adultery by a convert
Claiming one's wife, who converted to Judaism, committed adultery after kiddushin
General Issues
is labelled a "Prince" as the first Convert: Succah 49b
Converts have a special bond of love for each other: Pesachim 113b
Viewing a convert as newly born, such that old family ties are not legally recognized: Ketuvot 44b
We learn what a convert must do for conversion from
what the Jews did before they received the Torah at Mount Sinai
: Keritot 9a
How we know that we accept converts even in an era when there is no Beit haMikdash in which to bring
a conversion offering
: Keritot 9a
of Converts was present at
the Giving of the Torah
: Shabbat 146a
Converts are like boils, if they mislead others with incorrect learning: Yevamot 109b [according to Rashi]
Converts are like boils, if they aren't serious: Yevamot 109b [accoding to Tosafot]; Niddah 13b
If a Convert is serious, he must be accepted: Tos. Yevamot 109b #3
[Non-serious] converts delay the arrival of the
: Niddah 13b
Converting in order to marry: Menachot 44a
lest people think
one converted for the sake of financial gain: Bava Metzia 72a
Miscellaneous laws
Is there a need for a woman who converts to
wait three months before marrying
, to identify paternity of any child she produces?: Ketuvot 37a
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