Claiming Benefit for Others in their Absence - Zachin
Principles of Proxies
Claiming a benefit on behalf of others
The rule itself: Gittin 11b; Kiddushin 23a [2x]; Bava Metzia 12a
Not requiring the beneficiary's awareness: Ketuvot 7b; Nedarim 36b
Claiming property for a
: Ketuvot 7b
Claiming a "Found Object"
for another individual; this benefits one person, and may harm another: Bava Metzia 10a
Witnesses on a bill claim the benefit for the beneficiary: Bava Metzia 13a, 19a, 20a, 35b
Claiming a debtor's property
for the creditor
: Gittin 11b
Claiming a debtor's property for a creditor, if it will
hurt another creditor
of that debtor: Gittin 11b-12a, Bava Metzia 10a
Receiving a Bill of Divorce
is not considered to be beneficial to the wife: Gittin 11b, Bava Metzia 12a
Acquiring meat at a time when people normally want meat is considered a benefit: Eruvin 81b
Making an acquisition, which then requires one to spend money, is not considered a benefit: Eruvin 81b
Receiving a gift
is considered a benefit: Bava Metzia 12a
as a Benefit for a minor: Ketuvot 11a
as a Benefit for an Eved: Gittin 11b, 12b-13a; Kiddushin 23a [2x]; Bava Metzia 19a
Conversion as a Benefit where the Parent Converts as Well: Ketuvot 11a
Conversion as a Benefit for an Eved: Ketuvot 11a
Conversion as a Benefit for a mature
: Ketuvot 11a
as a benefit for an Eved: Gittin 11b, 12b-13a; Bava Metzia 19a
Extending the limit for travel outside a town on Shabbat [Techum]
, on another's behalf: Eruvin 46b, 80b, 81a-b, 95a
Merging properties to permit transportation between them on Shabbat
, on another's behalf: Eruvin 46b, 80b, 81a-b, 95a
May a
acquire a benefit for a Jew: Bava Metzia 71b-72a
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