Whether a Proxy's Act is equivalent to that of the Owner: Chagigah 10b
Whether, when fulfilling a Mitzvah, it is better to do it on one's own and not via a proxy: Kiddushin 41a
Whether a proxy can be empowered to carry out a task or rite which the sender would not be [legally] capable of carrying out: Kiddushin 23b
If someone tells a proxy to give money to another for him, and then dies: Gittin 9b, 13a-b
Ability of a debtor to have a proxy return, after designating him to deliver money to the creditor: Gittin 14a
Who is responsiblity for money returned to a creditor via proxy, if the money is lost while in the proxy's control: Gittin 14a-b
What the proxy for return of a loan should do, if he can't find the creditor: Gittin 14b-15a
Meaning of the language of "Bring this [to a creditor]" and "Give this [to a creditor]," in terms of the proxy's level of responsibility over the money or object: Gittin 14a, 14b
Do we assume that the proxy will carry out his mission [Chazakah Shaliach Oseh Shelichuto]: Eruvin 31b-32b
Responsibility of a proxy to swear that the item he purchased for his boss was acceptable at the time of the purchase, even if it went bad later: Bava Metzia 83a
Actions of a wayward proxy
What happens if a proxy is sent to carry out a mission - hiring employees or delivering a bill of divorce - and he misrepresents his mission, and the people with whom he is interacting say, "We will go with the mission as expressed by the person who sent you.": Bava Metzia 76a-b