Marriage of Minors
To see the father's rights regarding specific types of Kiddushin transactions involving minors, please see those specific transactions, branching from Here.
Marriage/Divorce of a Female Minor arranged by her Father
Source of the Ability of a Father to marry off his Female Minor daughter: Ketuvot 22a
The Prohibition against marrying off a daughter while she is a minor: Kiddushin 41a
Whether the father may marry her off after she reaches 12 years of age: Kiddushin 19b, 41a [2x]
Ability of a father to marry off his daughter via a Proxy: Kiddushin 41a
Whether the father has any power, after she has been married once: Yevamot 109a; Kiddushin 18a-19a
Whether the father may accept money for her Kiddushin to a man for whom marriage would be prohibited, but legal: Kiddushin 19b-20a
Whether the father has any power, after she has been a Maid: Kiddushin 18a-19a
For a father to Receive a Bill of Divorce for his daughter, against her wishes: Gittin 21a; Kiddushin 3b, 10a
For a father to tell his daughter to act his emissary in receiving the money of her Kiddushin: Kiddushin 19a
What happens if a father attempts to marry his daughter off after hiring her out as a maid: Kiddushin 19b
What happens if a father marries off his minor daughter, and then she is divorced while still a minor, and then she remarries as a minor [יתומה בחיי האב]: Ketuvot 73b-74a
Marriage of Female Minor arranged by her Mother/Brother
The authority of the mother/brother is rabbinic: Yevamot 107a, 112b
The girl's consent is required: Yevamot 107b
The point of the Rabbinic legalization of this marriage is to prevent her from being dealt with as though she was an ownerless object: Yevamot 112b
Whether a minor can truly be said to consent, or whether it is considered seduction: Yevamot 108a
Whether the Minor's Marriage is retroactively valid if she reaches adulthood and consents, or whether they are nothing at all and it is considered a fresh marriage when she reaches adulthood: Yevamot 109b-110a; Ketuvot 73a
Whether Bills of Divorce have any hold on such Marriage, or specifically the Minor's Refusal is required: Yevamot 107b, 108a
Whether a Divorce Bill prevents her from marrying his relatives: Yevamot 108a
Whether a Divorce Bill prevents her from marrying a Kohen: Yevamot 108a
Husband's [lack of] rights as far as her work, objects she finds, or her inheritance: Yevamot 108a
Power of the Marriage if she is the one who wants to stay together: Yevamot 107b, 108a
Power of the Marriage if he is the one who wants to stay together: Yevamot 107b, 108a
For a female Kohen who marries a non-Kohen to eat Terumah: Yevamot 108a
The status of the blood which results from initial sexual relations, if she is under-age: Ketuvot 6a
Her status if she is of age but hasn't menstruated yet: Ketuvot 6a
The Chalitzah Rite
Chalitzah of a male minor: Yevamot 103a, 104b, 105b
Chalitzah by a female minor: Yevamot 105b
Minimum Age for chalitzah by a female minor: Yevamot 105b