May a husband and wife marry and have the wife present a document foregoing part of the ketubah payment, or does that constitute a relationship of promiscuity [zenut]?: Ketuvot 51a
Having nothing to do leads to sexual immorality: Ketuvot 59b
Drinking wine leads to sexual immorality: Ketuvot 64b-65a
Is a husband credible to vow that his wife not go to a house of mourning or wedding party because of the presence of promiscuous people, if we don't know of any such people?: Ketuvot 71b, 72a
The assumption that if a man lives with a woman sexually, his intention is for marriage rather than a promiscuous relationship: Ketuvot 72b-73b
Defining a sexual act
At one point during the act one is liable: Keritot 10b, 11a-b
The status of Incestuous/Adulterous relationships, where the intercourse was abnormal: Kiddushin 9b-10a
The status of Incestuous/Adulterous relationships, where the intercourse was abnormal, in terms of owing fines: Kiddushin 10a
Liability if one of them is sleeping during the act: Keritot 11a-b
What happens if one of them is doing this accidentally, and the other intentionally: Keritot 11a
Liability for sexual relations that are שלא כדרכה: Ketuvot 46a-b
What happens if a woman was told by one or more witnesses that her husband died, and she remarried with or without the permission of a court: Keritot 11b
If a man divorces his wife because of allegations of adultery and they are found to be false, may he remarry her?: Ketuvot 74b
The location of the penalty for adultery where the woman is after kiddushin, before nisuin: Ketuvot 45b
The penalty for adultery by a woman who is after kiddushin and before nisuin, depending on her age at the time of the crime and at the time of the witness testimoney, and depending on whether the witnesses testified before or after nisuin: Ketuvot 44a, 44b-45b, 48b-49a
The penalty for adultery by a woman who is after kiddushin and before nisuin, where she is not a betulah: Ketuvot 48b-49a
The penalty for adultery by a woman who is after kiddushin and before nisuin, but her mother conceived her when she wasn't Jewish, and converted during the pregnancy: Ketuvot 44a-b
The procedure for punishing adultery by a woman who is after kiddushin and before nisuin where her father no longer lives, or her father does not have a house: Ketuvot 44a
The penalty for adultery after kiddushin, if the bride goes with the husband's proxies who are assigned to bring her to the husband's home (or the chuppah): Ketuvot 48b-49a
The penalty for adultery after nisuin but before the marriage is consummated with the husband: Ketuvot 45a, 48b-49a
Issues of adultery and promiscuity which are not directly related to law
Calling sexual immorality an act of "shtut [irrational foolishness]": Bechorot 5b
A man who sleeps with another man's wife will descend to Gehennom and never emerge: Bava Metzia 58b
A man who sleeps with another man's wife does enter the next world: Bava Metzia 59a
A person who is prideful will end up stumbling into adultery: Sotah 4b