Marriage and Psychology
Other Psychological Issues
Psychology in sexuality
Other Marital Issues
Issues in the Psychology of Marriage
Whether women or men are more apt to search actively for a mate: Kiddushin 2b
Whether women are happier married than widowed/divorced [טב למיתב טן דו]: Ketuvot 75a; Kiddushin 7a, 41a; Bava Metzia 67a
Whether married women are proud of their social status as married women regardless of their husband's standing: Ketuvot 75a
Wanting to marry in order to produce a child who will be "a walking stick for the hand and a shovel for burial": Ketuvot 64a
Whether a male
will prefer to marry a woman of his own type or not: Yevamot 110b
People want others to know them as being married: Yevamot 107a
A woman wouldn't allow a man to finalize his marriage to her with a payment of less than a specific minimal amount called a "
": Kiddushin 3a-b
Being especially careful when
speaking with
one's wife, due to her native
: Bava Metzia 59a
A man would want his property used to
provide jewelry for his wife
; he does not want her to be degraded: Ketuvot 48a
The role of certain household tasks in building intimacy between spouses: Ketuvot 61a
Is a husband
when someone embarrasses his wife: Ketuvot 65b, 66a
Would a husband be
if his wife
went to a rabbinical court to have her vow repealed
: Ketuvot 74b-75a
support of one's wife
to a third party is prohibited, as it is humiliating for her: Ketuvot 70b
One will not remain married to a spouse who is causing them harm - one does not live in a basket with a serpent: Ketuvot 72a, 77a
Would a woman want to remain married to a man who is only supporting her because he is compelled to do so: Ketuvot 77a
Weighing the psychological assumption that a man would not be comfortable with a mum, vs. the psychological assumption that a man would not
marry a woman without determining that there is no concern for a mum
: Ketuvot 75b-76a
The assumption that if a man lives with a woman sexually, his intention is for marriage rather than
a promiscuous relationship
: Ketuvot 72b-73b
A woman who is
doesn't mind marrying a man of low social standing and then being involved with other men as she chooses: Ketuvot 75a
What happens if a woman marries a man thinking she can tolerate a particular defect, and then she realizes she cannot: Ketuvot 77a
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