Biblical/Talmudic Currency and Weight Definitions
Laws for which a perutah's value is significant
Honest weights and measures
Specific Currencies
Currencies and Commodities
The type of currency implied by the terms "Kesef" and "Set [Katzuv] Kesef" in the Torah and in Rabbinic sources: Kiddushin 11a-b
Defining an "Asimon": Bava Metzia 47b
Defining a "Dinar" of silver or gold: Bava Metzia 44b
Defining a "Hadris": Kiddushin 12a
Defining a "Hanetz": Kiddushin 12a
Defining an "Isar": Kiddushin 12a, Bava Metzia 44b
Defining an "Isar ha'Italki": Kiddushin 12a, Bava Metzia 44b
Defining an "Istira": Ketuvot 64a; Kiddushin 11b
Defining a "Kuntrank": Kiddushin 12a
Defining a "Maah": Ketuvot 64a; Kiddushin 12a
Defining a "Maneh": Bechorot 5a-b
Defining a "Mismis": Kiddushin 12a
Defining a "Perutah": Kiddushin 2a, 12a; Bava Metzia 44b
Defining a "Pundyon": Kiddushin 12a
Defining a "Ragya": Bechorot 11a
Defining a "Shamin": Kiddushin 12a
Defining a "Tropik": Ketuvot 64a
Defining a "Zuz": Ketuvot 64a; Kiddushin 11b
"Zuzei peshiti" vs "Zuzei": Ketuvot 65b, 67a
"Zuzei siyanki": Ketuvot 67b
The value of a Sela, in terms of what it would purchase vis-a-vis
animals brought as offerings
: Keritot 10b
Changes in the Value of Biblical/Talmudic Currencies
The "maneh" used for sacred matters was double the "maneh" used for mundane matters: Bechorot 5a-b
A change in the value of currencies in
the time of Yechezkel
: Bechorot 5b
Rules governing changing the value of currencies: Bechorot 5b
Specific Weights
The weight of a sela in Yehudah, which is double its weight in
: Ketuvot 59a
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