Source for a biblical prohibition against arrogance: Sotah 5a
It is difficult for people to deal with a haughty pauper, and a public official who lords his power over others without cause: Pesachim 113b
A non-Kohen wouldn't carry out the Blessing of the People, because it's public: Ketuvot 24b
One who is self-righteous generally is a person of blemishes: Megillah 29a
A person who is prideful will end up stumbling into adultery: Sotah 4b
Wearing a style of clothing which is usually used by the rich: Shabbat 113a
Is it arrogant to (ostentatiously?) repeat Shema at the proper Time at night, after praying: D.Ch. Berachot 1:1:6
Is it arrogant for a groom to recite Shema on his wedding night: Berachot 16b, 17b, Pesachim 55a
Is it arrogant to refrain from working on The 9th of Av, where the custom is to work: Berachot 17b, Pesachim 54b, 55a
Fear of the label of "arrogance [Yuhara]" doesn't apply to eating meals in the Succah-Hut when the meals are so small as to not require a Succah: Succah 26b
When the people who practice Self-Righteousness are gone, those people [Minim-Rashi Shabbat 75a] who Attack Torah will be gone: Shabbat 139a
Ostentatious self-righteousness practiced by some women: Megillah 14b
Gd says, "I cannot dwell in the same world as an arrogant person!": Sotah 5a
Gd's punishment for acting without humility toward others: Eruvin 13b
People who are arrogant are guaranteed to end up in Gehennom: Sotah 4b-5a
People who are arrogant are guaranteed to end up in Gehennom even if Gd has given them Heaven and Earth, as He did for Avraham, even if one receives the Torah as Moshe did, and even if one gives tzedakah in secret: Sotah 4b-5a
Arrogance is compared to idolatry, and to denial of Gd's existence: Sotah 4b
Arrogance is compared to having incestuous relationships: Sotah 4b
An arrogant person is muddled by even the slightest breeze: Sotah 5a
Arrogance is an abomination to Gd: Sotah 5a
A person's prayers will not be heard unless his heart is soft/gentle like flesh: Sotah 5a
A person should not be arrogant; the word "Adam [man]" is an acronym for "Eifer [ash/dust], Dam [blood], Marah [bile]." "Basar [flesh]" is an acronym for "Bushah [humiliation], Seruchah [rotten] or Sheol [the grave], Rimah [decay]": Sotah 5a
How great an ego a Torah Scholar ought to have: Sotah 5a
Hashem loves people who are willing to compromise in cases involving their personal honor: Pesachim 113b; Rosh HaShanah 17a-b; Yoma 87b
Among people, the great usually see the great and the humble see the humble; Gd, though, is great and yet He perceives the humble: Sotah 5a
The importance of humility: Eruvin 54a
The difference between the way Gd treats the arrogant and the humble: Eruvin 54a
Does Gd "lower" Himself to be with humble people, or does He raise them to be with Him: Sotah 5a
The students of Shammai debated with the students of Hillel for three years, until a Divine Voice announced that although the words of both are the words of the Living Gd, the law follows the students of Hillel, due to their gentle humility: Eruvin 13b
Gd elevates those who act with humility, and degrades those who act with pride: Eruvin 13b
The purpose of the Divine Revelation of the Torah was the inculcation of humility into the Jewish People for all future generations: Nedarim 20a
Wherever Gd's power is mentioned, His Humility is mentioned as well: Megillah 31a
Importance of humility as an aid to success in Torah study: Eruvin 54a, 55a; Taanit 7a-b [a great number of quotes]
A Torah Scholar ought to lie if asked about his knowledge: Bava Metzia 23b
If a person is humble, it is as though he has brought all of the Temple offerings, and his prayers will never be rejected: Sotah 5b