The "Malchiya/Malchiyo" mnemonic: Ketuvot 61b; Makkot 21a
If one reviews his learning, he will retain it; otherwise, he will not: Eruvin 53a; Succah 46b; Megillah 18b
One cannot compare learning something 100 times, to starting the 2nd set of 100 times; but both are completely righteous people: Chagigah 9b
The value of being careful to use clear speech in learning: Eruvin 53a-b
Engaging one's entire body in learning: Eruvin 53b-54a
Statements regarding the likelihood of failure of a person who studies a lot without reviewing: Eruvin 54b
One will be more successful if he learns small sections and reviews them, rather than learn large sections and then review: Eruvin 54b
The clarity of learning which is done during the day: Eruvin 65a
The key to retaining one's learning is constant attention: Taanit 7b
A student who is having difficulty with his studies likely does not have the foundation texts down solidly, and needs to spend more time on that: Taanit 7b-8a
Rav Mesharshiya's advice to his son: Prepare a text prior to learning it from your rebbe, and study beside water for it is a good omen for the flow of your learning: Keritot 6a
Rav Huna presenting a flawed kal vachomer [logical deduction] in order for his students to sharpen their minds by challenging it, or in order to inspire his students to be creative: Zevachim 12b-13a and see Rashi there
Superficial Expertise vs. In-Depth Study [Bekiut vs. BeIyun]
One ought to learn a wide range of information, before delving deeply into the logical infrastructure: Succah 28b-29a
The value of descending to the core details of the topic one is studying: Eruvin 53a
Communal Learning vs. Individual Learning
The value of communal vs. individual learning: Megillah 3b
One who learns Torah in groups will acquire a lot of Torah; one should not study alone: Makkot 10a
It is a sin to study alone: Taanit 7a; Makkot 10a
If one learns Torah on his own, it will show externally: Moed Katan 16b
Growth in Learning
Contrary to standard reality, when learning Torah, one who is full can retain more than one who is empty: Succah 46a-b
Areas of Torah
Leaving the Study of Law for Scripture will allow a person no Peace: Chagigah 10a
Leaving Talmud for Mishnah will allow a person no Peace: Chagigah 10a
Leaving Babylonian Talmud for the Jerusalem Talmud will allow a person no Peace: Chagigah 10a
Value of learning Scripture vs Mishnah vs Talmud: Bava Metzia 33a-b
Learning areas of Torah which have no practical relevance, for which one will receive reward ["derosh v'kabel sachar"]: Zevachim 45a
The extreme care necessary in learning Talmud: Bava Metzia 33b
Hatred of those who don't learn, or don't learn Talmud, for those who learn Talmud; and what will be in the end: Bava Metzia 33b
Sections of Talmud which are not related to legal topics attract the heart: Shabbat 87a
One should even learn Torah without pure intent, for that will bring him to do it with proper intent: Pesachim 50b
If one learns Torah with a pure motive, the Torah heals him: Taanit 7a
Learning Torah with a pure motive is termed learning "Torat Chesed [Torah of Generosity]": Succah 49b
One's intent must be Altruistic; one who practices for another motive would have been better off [Some Translate: would have had an easier time of things] if he hadn't been created: Berachot 17a [See Tosafot #3]
If one learns Torah for non-altruistic purposes, the Torah is poisonous for him: Taanit 7a
Using the study of Torah to defeat the Evil Inclination: Succah 52b; Kiddushin 30b [2x]
The value of involvement in Study of the Written and Oral Torah, and involvement in Society of Others, to keep one from sin: Kiddushin 40b
Study vs. Practice
The greatness of learning vs the greatness of practice: Kiddushin 40b
Learning leads to practice: Megillah 27a; Kiddushin 40b; Bava Kama 17a
Learning should be for the sake of Practice: Berachot 17a, Bava Kama 17a
One cannot learn Torah without practicing the Mitzvot: Yevamot 109b
If one says he will only have Torah learning and not practice, he won't have Torah learning either: Yevamot 109b
Reward for Torah Study
The beginning of a person's reward or punishment is based on his learning of Torah: Kiddushin 40b
The study of Torah supports Jewish soldiers: Makkot 10a
Words of Torah are pretty when they are remembered, and that happens when they are spoken aloud: Eruvin 54a
A person is happy in his learning when he says it aloud, in response to someone: Eruvin 54a
One who sleeps after sating himself with Torah will not receive bad news [in dreams]: Berachot 14a
Egotism causes a person to forget his Torah: Temurah 16a
The Torah which one earns, is considered to be his own [this is a legal concept, as well]: Kiddushin 32b
General statements about people who don't learn Torah: Pesachim 49b
"If you have read you have not read it twice. If you have read it twice then you haven't read it a third time. If you have read it a third time then they haven't explained it to you": Berachot 18a
Staying away from involvement with one who doesn't Study the Written and Oral Torah, and isn't involved in Society of Others: Kiddushin 41a
Torah is a unified whole, despite all of the arguments within it: Chagigah 3b
The need for humility and proper behavior among students of Torah: Taanit 7a
Torah is compared to water, wine and milk, all of which are best preserved in clay jugs rather than vessels of fine metals: Taanit 7a
Hashem's desire for the Jews to study Torah: Berachot 5a