Abba Sura'ah's daughter married Rav Pappa: Ketuvot 39b
Rav Pappa married off his son to his wife's sister. Yehudah bar Mareimar didn't want to go with Rav Pappa when Abba Sura'ah was writing the ketubah, lest that intimidate Abba Sura'ah into giving a greater amount. In the end, Yehudah bar Mareimar went and was silent, and Abba Sura'ah interpreted the silence as disapproval of the amount, and he gave all of his property for the ketubah. When Abba Sura'ah found out it wasn't disapproval he thought to back out, but Yehudah bar Mareimar said not to become someone who backs out of his agreements: Ketuvot 52b-53a
What Avuha bar Ihi and his brother Manimin praised themselves for: Megillah 28a
Avuha bar Ihi and Manimin bar Ihi had wait staff. One of them gave the staff food from one dish at the start of the meal to sate their appetites; the other gave from each dish as it came out. Eliyahu would come speak with the latter one: Ketuvot 61a
Shemuel asking Avuha bar Ihi to lend him 100 peppers, saying he would re-pay 120, adding the 20 as a gift rather than prohibited interest: Bava Metzia 75a
Rabbi Abba said Beiha developed his sharpness of mind from being in Israel, but Rav Yitzchak responded that Beiha had been wise from being in Bavel and in Israel: Temurah 29a
Rav Yosef said of Geniva, "May his Master forgive him," for a lesson Geniva had taught: Berachot 25a
Huna Mar bar Mareimar
Asking and answering his own question: Bava Metzia 81a
Ilfa suspending himself from the mast of a ship and declaring that if anyone can tell him a tosefta of Rabbi Chiya and Rabbi Oshia that he cannot support from a mishnah, he will throw himself from the mast and drown: Ketuvot 69b
What he and his brother Avuha praised themselves for: Megillah 28a
Avuha bar Ihi and Manimin bar Ihi had wait staff. One of them gave the staff food from one dish at the start of the meal to sate their appetites; the other gave from each dish as it came out. Eliyahu would come speak with the latter one: Ketuvot 61a
Mar of Mashchi
What happened when he checked the Techelet-Dye of his Tzitzit-Fringes for authenticity: Menachot 43a
Mar bar Ameimar
Mar bar Ameimar reported his father's piety [in a business deal] to Rav Ashi. Rav Ashi asked, "But what if he would have died and the deal had been left to you?" And Ameimar died: Bava Metzia 68a
Mar bar Yosef
Said he wasn't afraid of the antagonists of Torah at Bei Avidan, because he knew them; until he went there, and was threatened: Shabbat 116a
Mar breih deRaveina's mother made him a different garment for each day of the week, so lice wouldn't get to him and distract him from learning: Eruvin 65a
Mar Yehudah saw that Rav Huna bar Yehudah was transporting items on Shabbat in an enclosed, planted area even though it didn't fit Avimi's specifications; Rav Huna bar Yehudah explained that he held with Rav Nachman's view: Eruvin 24a
Mar Yehudah saw that the people of Mevarchita were following a law which Rabbi Akiva disagreed with, and he corrected them. Rava replied, "You are arguing against the sages! We don't hold this way.": Eruvin 61b
Mareimar called Rav Yeimar "The Permitter of First Born Animals" when he allowed hearsay testimony to say that a Kohen didn't make the blemish to permit use of a First Born animal: Shabbat 145b
Mareimar didn't permit the people of Sura to consider the sea an enclosure for their alleys, lest the sea deposit sufficient silt to create land: Eruvin 8a
Mari breih deRav Huna breih deRav Yirmiyah bar Abba
Rav Chisda asked Mari breih deRav Huna breih deRav Yirmiyah bar Abba how he could come from Barnish to the Synagogue of Daniel, a distance of three parasangs, on Shabbat. The response was that the cities en route are close together, extending the distance one may travel from his point of origin on Shabbat: Eruvin 21a
Nechemyah breih deRav Chanilai
He was a student of Rav Nachman, and he was once learning on Shabbat and became so engrossed in his learning that he was drawn outside the boundary of travel on Shabbat [Techum]: Eruvin 43b-44a
Rabbah bar Shayla heard of an odd incident which had resulted in a death, and observed that Gd's order is inevitable: Nedarim 41a
Rabbah bar Shemuel
Rav Nachman designed an entranceway [Tzurat haPetach] permitting transport in an alley on behalf of the Exilarch [Reish Galuta]. Rav Sheshet had a different opinion regarding its validity, and he told his assistant, Rav Gada, to remove it. The Exilarch's servants found Rav Gada and imprisoned him. Rav Sheshet stood by the prison gate and said, "Gada, Emerge!" Rav Gada emerged. Rav Sheshet later encountered Rabbah bar Shemuel and asked him whether he had anything to teach regarding entranceways, and Rabbah bar Shemuel taught that such an entrance would be valid. Rav Sheshet responded, "Don't teach that to the Exilarch's household! [I will recant on my own - Rabbeinu Chananel]": Eruvin 11b
Rav Nachman, Rav Chisda and Rav Sheshet were by the Exilarch on the second day of a two-day holiday, and a deer was brought which had been caught on the first day and slaughtered on the second day. Rav Nachman and Rav Chisda ate, reasoning that whichever day was the 'real' holiday, they were fine. Rav Sheshet refrained, holding that the days may be considered part of a single sanctity. Rav Sheshet then encountered Rabbah bar Shemuel and asked whether he had learned anything on the matter. When Rabbah bar Shemuel responded that they are two sanctities, Rav Sheshet said, "Don't tell them anything!": Eruvin 39b
Rami bar Abba had a legal question, and took it to Rav Pappa who forbade it, and then to Rav Huna beriah deR' Yehoshua, who forbade it as well: Megillah 26b
Rami bar Beruchi
Known as "Neharbilai" - the one from Nehar Bela: Beitzah 8b [Rashi]
Rami bar Shemuel and Rav Yitzchak beraih deRav Yehudah, learning in the school of Rav Huna when overheard by Rav Huna's son, Rabbah bar Rav Huna: Niddah 17b
When Rabbi Abba bar Shumni and Rabbi Menashya bar Yirmiyah miDifti parted from each other, they taught each other new lessons, so that they wouldn't forget each other: Eruvin 64a
Rabbi Zeira as the "friend" of Rabbi Abba Beraih DeR' Chiyya bar Abba: Moed Katan 22a
Rav Acha
Carrying a Bride on his shoulders, because it had no effect on him: Ketuvot 17a
Rav Acha removed a teacher for hitting the children too much, but Raveina returned him to his post because no one else could teach as well as he could: Makkot 16b
Rabbi Acha bar Chanina
Wore patched shoes, but not double-layer patched shoes: Shabbat 114a
Rabbi Acha bar Chanina said, "It is revealed and known before the Creator of the Universe that there was no one in Rabbi Meir's generation who was Rabbi Meir's peer. The law doesn't follow him, only because his peers could not follow his logic": Eruvin 13b
Rav Acha bar Huna
Sending a question to Rav Yosef: Kiddushin 12b
Rav Acha bar Pappa
Also known as Rav Acha Aricha [The Tall]: Shabbat 111a, 113a
Rav Acha bar Rav
Sent a question to Raveina: Kiddushin 13a
Rav Acha bar Tachlifa
Rav Acha breih deRav Ikka hosted Rabbi Elazar meiHegronia and Rav Acha bar Tachlifa in Rav Acha bar Yaakov's city, and wanted to slaughter an animal. He presented the knife to them to examine it, and Rav Acha bar Tachlifa asked whether they shouldn't show it to Rav Acha bar Yaakov. Rabbi Elazar meiHegronia cited the law that a scholar may check it himself, and he checked it and suffered harm, either because the idea of consulting Rav Acha bar Yaakov had been raised or because Rav Acha bar Yaakov was far beyond them: Eruvin 63a
Rav Acha Bardila's instructions to his son, or Rav's instructions to Rav Acha Bardila, on how to grind spices permissibly on Yom Tov: Beitzah 14a
Rav Acha breih deRav Avya
Rav Acha breih deRav Avya meeting the students of Rav Ashi and asking whether Rav Ashi had taught anything on a certain subject: Eruvin 11b
Rav Acha breih deRav Ikka
Displaying how much one must remove a forbidden garment, in order to be liable anew for putting it back on: Makkot 21b
Rav Acha breih deRav Ikka hosted Rabbi Elazar meiHegronia and Rav Acha bar Tachlifa in Rav Acha bar Yaakov's city, and wanted to slaughter an animal. He presented the knife to them to examine it, and Rav Acha bar Tachlifa asked whether they shouldn't show it to Rav Acha bar Yaakov. Rabbi Elazar meiHegronia cited the law that a scholar may check it himself, and he checked it and suffered harm, either because the idea of consulting Rav Acha bar Yaakov had been raised or because Rav Acha bar Yaakov was far beyond them: Eruvin 63a
Rav Acha breih d'Rav Ikka was the son of the sister of Rav Acha bar Yaakov: Ketuvot 74a
Rav Acha d'min Hutzal went to Rav Ashi to nullify a vow made by his wife. Rav Ashi told him to come back the next day because he [Rav Ashi] had consumed significant quantities of wine - even though the wine had been diluted: Keritot 13b
His body didn't rot, because he didn't have any jealousy of others: Shabbat 152b
Attacking gravediggers, after he had died; arguing with Rav Nachman: Shabbat 152b
Rabbi Achi bar Yoshiyah
Rabbi Achi bar Yoshiyah asked Rabbi Dostai bar Rabbi Yannai and Rabbi Yosi ben Kippar to bring a charge back to him from its guardians; the guardians demanded absolution from responsiblity over the object while it was en route, and Rabbi Yosi refused to grant it; they beat him, with Rabbi Dostai's approval. Rabbi Dostai explained that he gave in because the guardians were 1 cubit tall, with 1 cubit hats, deep voices, strange names and the power to imprison or kill them: Gittin 14a-b
Rabbi Ami was upset at Rabbi Anani bar Sasson because he cited a law without mentioning its source: Moed Katan 24b
Rabbi Asa
Rabbi Chiyya bar Abba and Rabbi Asa and Rava bar Natan learning together, and Rav Nachman listening and approving their words, and saying Shemuel approved their words, too: Eruvin 32b
Rabbi Avin and Rav Yitzchak ben Rebbe learning before Rabbi Yirmiyah, who dozed off and then awoke to point out an error in their learning: Nedarim 29b-30a
Rav Avira
How he tested Techelet-Dye for authenticity: Menachot 43a
Presenting a statement which may have been from Rabbi Ami and may have been from Rabbi Asi: Berachot 20b
Statements of his, some of which cite Rabbi Elazar, on Joseph and his brothers: Megillah 16b
Rabbi Elazar quoted a lesson of Rav to Shemuel; Shemuel disapproved forcefully, declaring, "Feed Elazar barley [as in: animal fodder]"! When Rabbi Zeira made aliyah to Israel he heard Rabbi Binyamin bar Yefet quote the lesson in the name of Rabbi Yochanan, and he quoted Shemuel's criticism: Ketuvot 77a
Rav Chaga
Brought the body of Rav Huna into the crypt where Rabbi Chiyya was buried: Moed Katan 25a
Learned by Rav Huna from the age of 18: Moed Katan 25a
Rav Chama
Rav Chama immersing on the day before Pesach, to remove certain types of impurity before he would teach Torah at the Seder that night: Berachot 22b
Rav Chama's "tarsha" ways of selling merchandise for later payment, for more than it was worth at that time and in that place, without violating laws prohibiting interest on loans: Bava Metzia 65a-b
Rebbe praised Rabbi Chama bar Bissa to Rabbi Yishmael ben Rabbi Yosi; Rabbi Yishmael ben Rabbi Yosi was disappointed when Rabbi Chama asked him for Rebbe's opinion instead of Rabbi Yosi's [Rabbi Chama had thought it appropriate, as Rebbe was the head of the school, had the Sages before him, and was very sharp]: Niddah 14b
Rabbi Chama bar Bissa learned in yeshiva for twelve years. When he came home he did not wish to surprise his wife, lest she be harmed, as happened with the wife of Rabbi Chanina bar Chachinai. So he went to learn in the local beit midrash first. He met his son Rabbi Oshia and engaged in Torah discussion without knowing it was his son, and he was impressed. When he came home, his son was there, and he stood for his son, until his wife said, "What father stands for his son?": Ketuvot 62b
Rami bar Chama said of Rabbi Oshia son of Rabbi Chama bar Bissa, "The tripled-threaded cord will not swiftly be severed" (from Kohelet 4): Ketuvot 62b
Rav Chama bar Chanina
The way he used to begin teaching the Torah portion on the Cities of Refuge: Makkot 10b
Rav Chanan and Rav Anan travelling on the road, and one saying to the other that they should ex-communicate a man who they saw violating a rabbinic prohibition; the other responded that they weren't expert enough in the laws to clarify the prohibition: Kiddushin 39a
Rav Chanan bar Rav
Had tablets inscribed with Torah Verses, cited by Rav Chisda as evidence for the correct reading of certain Verses: Pesachim 117a
Rav Chanan bar Rava
Rav Huna told Rav Chanan bar Rava, "Don't disagree with me; Rav went to Damharya and practiced as I have said." According to Rav Chanan bar Rava, Rav performed a stringent practice in Damharia because the local people were lax in their Mitzvah observance, and he sought to distance them from sin: Eruvin 6a
Rav Chanan bar Rav Chisda
He, or his brother Nachman, contradicted his father Rav Chisda incorrectly; Rav Chisda slapped him with a shoe: Moed Katan 25a
Mar Zutra's rabbinical court sanctioned a woman for rejecting sexual relations with her husband due to his physical repellence. The reunion resulted in the birth of Rabbi Chanina of Sura, but that wasn't a sign that this was a good policy; it was a special case of Divine assistance: Ketuvot 63b
Rabbi Chanina bar Avin
Abbaye bar Avin exchanging Purim Gifts of Food with Rabbi Chanina bar Avin: Megillah 7b
Rabbi Chanina bar Chama
A string of comments on Torah study and Manners, from sages named Chanina: Rabbi Chanina, then Rabbi Chanina bar Pappa, then Rabbi Chanina bar Chama, then Rabbi Chanina bar Idi: Taanit 7a
Upset when Rav didn't restart a lesson for him when he entered: Yoma 87b
Refusing to forgive Rav, and the reason why: Yoma 87b
Rabbi Chanina bar Idi
A string of comments on Torah study and Manners, from sages named Chanina: Rabbi Chanina, then Rabbi Chanina bar Pappa, then Rabbi Chanina bar Chama, then Rabbi Chanina bar Idi: Taanit 7a
Shemuel instructing Rabbi Chananiah bar Sheila in a matter of law: Eruvin 12a
Rabbi Chanina bar Yosef
Rabbi Chanina bar Yosef, Rabbi Chiyya bar Abba and Rabbi Asi were staying in an inn together and had a Halachic question; Rabbi Chanina bar Yosef gave a leniency, which Rabbi Asi opposed. Rabbi Chiyya bar Abba said, "Let us depend on the elder," which they did. They later asked Rabbi Yochanan, and he approved of their actions, to the amazement of the students in Neherdaa and of Rabbi Elazar: Eruvin 65b-66b
Rav Chaviva
Making Blessing of "SheHaSimchah BeMiono" at a Circumcision: Ketuvot 8a
Citing a law from the elders of Pumbedita: Eruvin 79b
What happened when Rav Huna bar Manoach, Rav Shemuel bar Idi and Rav Chiyya of Vistanya came to study with Rav Pappa after their teacher Rava died, and they were dissatisfied with Rav Pappa's lessons: Taanit 9a-b
Wouldn't eat a meal prepared for him by Zeiri's wife, because he held against Zeiri on certain laws of food-preparation on Shabbat: Shabbat 109a, 140a
Rabbi Zeira exclaimed, regarding statements of Rav Yehudah citing Rav and Rav Chiyya bar Ashi citing Rav, "How accurate are the teachings of these elders!": Eruvin 12b
Rav Chiyya bar Asi
Rabbi Zeira merged the properties in the town of Rabbi Chiyya's study hall, to permit transport between the properties on Shabbat, relying on certain information he had received from the town elders regarding the way Rav Chiyya bar Asi had done it. Abbaye challenged him based on other data, and Rabbi Zeira conceded, 'I didn't know that.': Eruvin 59b
Rav Chiyya bar Yosef asked Shemuel regarding a certain debate, "Does the law follow you, or does it follow Rav?" Shemuel responded that the law follows Rav: Eruvin 90b
Rav Chisda describing a lesson which "was constantly in the mouth of ["margila b'fumeih"] Rav Dimi bar Chinina: Zevachim 36b
Rav Dimi bar Yitzchak
How he began his discussion of the Purim Story: Megillah 10b-11a
Rav Dimi bar Yosef
When his grandson died before reaching the 30 day viability mark, he rebuked his son for mourning; his son replied that he knew that his son had been viable: Shabbat 136a
At Shemuel's instruction, Rav Dimi bar Yosef testing whether a child recognized its mother for nursing, via a line-up: Ketuvot 60a
Rabbi Dostai bar Rabbi Yannai
Rabbi Achi bar Yoshiyah asked Rabbi Dostai bar Rabbi Yannai and Rabbi Yosi ben Kippar to bring a charge back to him from its guardians; the guardians demanded absolution from responsiblity over the object while it was en route, and Rabbi Yosi refused to grant it; they beat him, with Rabbi Dostai's approval. Rabbi Dostai explained that he gave in because the guardians were 1 cubit tall, with 1 cubit hats, deep voices, strange names and the power to imprison or kill them: Gittin 14a-b
Rabbi Efes
Reish Lakish and the students of Rabbi Chanina had a legal quandary. Reish Lakish said they should act on a certain suggestion, and then ask on arrival by the sages of the South. When they arrived, they asked Rabbi Efes, who agreed with their method: Eruvin 65b
Upset because Levi failed to attend his study hall; Levi was punished for this: Berachot 18b
Rav Acha breih deRav Ikka hosted Rabbi Elazar meiHegronia and Rav Acha bar Tachlifa in Rav Acha bar Yaakov's city, and wanted to slaughter an animal. He presented the knife to them to examine it, and Rav Acha bar Tachlifa asked whether they shouldn't show it to Rav Acha bar Yaakov. Rabbi Elazar meiHegronia cited the law that a scholar may check it himself, and he checked it and suffered harm, either because the idea of consulting Rav Acha bar Yaakov had been raised or because Rav Acha bar Yaakov was far beyond them: Eruvin 63a
An investment partnershipn of Rabbi Elazar meiHegronia: Bava Metzia 69a
Rav Nachman designed an entranceway [Tzurat haPetach] permitting transport in an alley on behalf of the Exilarch [Reish Galuta]. Rav Sheshet had a different opinion regarding its validity, and he told his assistant, Rav Gada, to remove it. The Exilarch's servants found Rav Gada and imprisoned him. Rav Sheshet stood by the prison gate and said, "Gada, Emerge!" Rav Gada emerged. Rav Sheshet later encountered Rabbah bar Shemuel and asked him whether he had anything to teach regarding entranceways, and Rabbah bar Shemuel taught that such an entrance would be valid. Rav Sheshet responded, "Don't teach that to the Exilarch's household! [I will recant on my own - Rabbeinu Chananel]": Eruvin 11b
Rav Gamda
Rav Zvid's daughter-in-law rejected sexual relations with her husband, claiming he was repellent to her. Rav Zvid wanted to levy a financial penalty on her. A rabbinical court of Ameimar, Mar Zutra and Rav Ashi convened. There are two versions of the story, regarding whether they complied or not. In either version, Rav Gamda criticized them, accusing them of either kowtowing to Rav Zvid or flouting him, since the possibility of a financial penalty for this is controversial in Jewish law: Ketuvot 64a
Rav Gaza
Claimed that he once made Babylonian "Kutach HaBavli" Concoction in Israel, and all of the sick people there asked for some: Shabbat 145b
Rav Geviha of Argiza
Known for his allegorical analyses of verses: Gittin 7a
Rav Gidal
Set of Citations of Rav: Nedarim 7b-8a
Rav Gidal swearing, by "Torah, the Prophets and the Writings," that Rav said something which Rav Gidal cited in his name: Eruvin 17a
Rav Gidal sitting near the mikvah to offer guidance to women on immersion, and why he wasn't concerned about inappropriate attraction: Berachot 20a
Rabbi Yochanan saying to Reish Lakish's son, "Had I arrived at that verse [that you just explained], I wouldn't have needed you or your teacher, Rabbi Hoshia": Taanit 9a
Rav Hoshia learned before Bar Kappara, and then went to learn before Rabbi Chiyya. When he subsequently asked Bar Kappara a question, Bar Kappara asked what Rabbi Chiyya, "the Babylonian," would say. When Rav Hoshia couldn't answer, Bar Kappara mocked Rabbi Chiyya, calling him 'Iyya.': Keritot 8a
Used Trickery to evade Rabbinic Laws on Shabbat: Shabbat 139b
Rav Huna Beraih DeRav Ika
Praised by Rav Safra as being exact in his learning, like Rachbah of Pumbedisa: Pesachim 52b
Rav Huna bar Manoach
What happened when Rav Huna bar Manoach, Rav Shemuel bar Idi and Rav Chiyya of Vistanya came to study with Rav Pappa after their teacher Rava died, and they were dissatisfied with Rav Pappa's lessons: Taanit 9a-b
Saying "Lo Shimeea" [I haven't heard it], meaning "Lo Siveera Li" [I don't agree with it]: Pesachim 41a
Mar Yehudah saw that Rav Huna bar Yehudah was transporting items on Shabbat in an enclosed, planted area even though it didn't fit Avimi's specifications; Rav Huna bar Yehudah explained that he held with Rav Nachman's view: Eruvin 24a
Rav Huna of Descarta
Rava said to Rav Huna of Descarta, who had cited Levi to challenge him, "If Levi were here, he would ex-communicate you [invoking 'pulsa d'nura'] for mis-quoting him!": Bava Metzia 47a
Rabbi Idi
Citing a legal statement which Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi made without explanation, and commenting, "This is prophecy!" [Rashi - And Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi wouldn't have said it without a tradition from his elders]: Eruvin 60b
Rav Idi, Avuha DeR' Yaakov bar Idi
Travelled three months to spend one day in the Study Hall - "Bar Bei Rav DeChad Yoma": Chagigah 5b
Rabbi Yochanan asked that he not be upset with Students who made fun of him for his extended trip and brief learning: Chagigah 5b
Depending on your version, he and Rabbi Chanina either did or didn't come out to honor Rav Huna's casket as it was brought past their study hall: Moed Katan 25a
Rabbi Ila'a רב אילעא
Rav Ila'a saying "May Gd save us from your logic - רחמנא ניצלן מהאי דעתא" in a debate with Rabbi Chanina: Shabbat 84b; Ketuvot 45b
A series of comments from Rabbi Ila'a related to enactments of the rabbinical court in Usha; Rav Simi bar Ashi noted that the first statement came from Rabbi Ila'a citing Reish Lakish citing another sage, the second came from Rabbi Ila'a citing Reish Lakish, and the third was just from Rabbi Ila'a himself: Ketuvot 49b-50a
Rav Ilish
How the sons of Rabbi Ilish handled a partnership document from an investment of their father, Rabbi Ilish: Bava Metzia 68b-69a
Rabbi Illai
Rabbi Shimon bar Abba remonstrating Rabbi Illai and Rabbi Yaakov bar Zavdi for standing before him, because he didn't consider himself worthy and because they had been learning Torah: Kiddushin 33b
Rabbi Avahu's riddle response when the students asked him where Rabbi Ilai was, and Rabbi Ilai's riddle response when the students asked him where Rabbi Avahu was: Eruvin 53b
There were two of them: Tosafot Bava Metzia 73b "Rav"
Rav Mari bar Rachel lived in a house he held as collateral from a nochri. The nochri sold it to Rava, who did not charge him rent until the nochri paid off the debt (because had the house remained with the nochri, the nochri could not have removed him without paying the debt), but there was no issue of prohibited interest because the nochri, not Rava, was the debtor: Bava Metzia 73b
Rav Mari bar Rachel practiced special piety with his first-born kosher animals, selling a stake in them to nochrim to prevent them from having holy status, but still treating them like first-born kosher animals. But they died off, and this was viewed as Divine punishment, because selling the stake eliminated their sanctity, or because of marit ayin - an onlooker thought he had simply made a verbal agreement rather than a proper transaction and he emulated that: Bechorot 3b
Rabbi Marinus
His son, Shabtai, denied a clause that had been in his Ketubah [Bill mandating money for a wife upon Divorce/Widowing] when it was lost; upon contradiction, he claimed, "I paid it already": Bava Metzia 17a
When Ulla was in the house of Rav Menasheh, a man came and knocked at the gate on Shabbat. Ulla said, "May this man's body be desecrated, as he desecrated Shabbat!" Rabbah responded that only musical sounds are forbidden on Shabbat: Eruvin 104a
Rabbi Menashya
Selected by Shemuel to answer a question in place of Levi, when Levi died: Shabbat 139a
Rabbi Menashya bar Gada
How Rav Menashya bar Gada handled the breakup of a manager/investor partnership involving livestock, and Abbaye's response: Bava Metzia 69a
Rav Menashya bar Seguvli
Rav Yosef said of Rav Menashya bar Seguvli, "May his Master forgive him," when Rav Menashya misquoted a lesson Rav Yosef had taught him: Eruvin 29a
Rabbi Menashya bar Yirmiyah miDifti
When Rabbi Abba bar Shumni and Rabbi Menashya bar Yirmiyah miDifti parted from each other, they taught each other new lessons, so that they wouldn't forget each other: Eruvin 64a
Rav Nechemiah breih d'Rav Yosef assigning wine with the food support he assigned for the wife of Rav Yosef breih d'Rava, because she lived in Mechoza, where they drank consderable wine: Ketuvot 65a
Rav Nechemiah breih d'Rav Yosef sending instructions to Rabbah bar Rav Huna Zuta in Neherdaa about collecting encumbered property from an estate for a woman's dowry: Ketuvot 69a
Labelled a "Baal Bassar" [fleshy person] by Rav Pappa: Bava Kama 10b
His sons were rich, and had meat and wine all of the time, and so were told to honor Shabbat specially by extending it and beginning it early: Shabbat 119a
Rav Pappa bar Shemuel
Wanted to use a ram's horn and trumpets on Rosh HaShanah, but was told that this was only done in the Temple: Rosh HaShanah 27a
Telling his servant to blow the Ram's Horn on Rosh HaShanah for him while he was in the personal [silent] Amidah: Rosh HaShanah 34b
Rava rejected purchase of an eved, preferring to hire needy people to do the work. Rav Pappa bar Shemuel then purchased him, only to find the eved's hair had been dyed to make him look younger; Rav Pappa bar Shemuel blamed himself for not acting meritoriously as had Rava: Bava Metzia 60b
Rav Pappa bar Shemuel was silent [אישתיק] when challenged by Rav Yosef: Ketuvot 37a
Rabbi Pedat
Rabbi Pedat had a bolt for his door which ten men had to lift together: Eruvin 102a
Rav Pinchas beraih deRav Chisda
Rava was once serving Rav Pappa, Rav Huna beraih deRav Yehoshua, Rav Mari and Rav Pinchas beraih deRav Chisda, and only the former two stood up in respect for him, leading him to get upset at the latter two for acting as though they were greater than the former two: Kiddushin 32b
Rav Rechumi
Rav Rechumi left home to learn Torah from Rava in Mechoza all year, coming home only on the eve of Yom Kippur. One year he was late due to learning, and his wife cried. As a result, he passed away: Ketuvot 62b
Statements of Rav Sala, citing Rav Hemnuna: Taanit 7b
Rav Sama
Rav Sama and Raveina were sitting before Rav Ashi, when Rav Sama pointed out a problem with Raveina's Tzitzit Strings to him. Raveina explained that Rav Sama was incorrect, and Rav Sama was embarrassed, leading Rav Ashi to reassure him, "Don't be upset; one of them [Israelis] is equal to two of us [Babylonians]!": Menachot 42a
Rava, his brother Rav Seorim, and the Angel of Death: Moed Katan 28a
Rabbi Shefatyah
Set of statements citing Rabbi Yochanan: Megillah 32a
Rav Sheila רב שילא
Rav Chisda identifying Rav Sheila as a Gavra Rabbah - a great man: Ketuvot 75a
Rav Shemayah
Raveina permitted something, and then Rava bar Tachalifa and Rav Shemayah challenged it. They asked Rava, and he also ruled against Raveina: Eruvin 40a
Rava sending a response to Abbaye, via Rav Shemaya bar Zeira: Eruvin 93a
Rav Shemen
Rabbi Yochanan gave Rav Shemen temporary license to judge cases: Sanhedrin 5b
Rav Shemuel bar Acha
Rav Pappa assigning ownership of his 12,000 dinar to Rav Shemuel bar Acha when Rav Shemuel bar Acha went to Bei Chozai to collect them on his behalf: Bava Metzia 46a
Rav Shemuel bar bar Chanah
Reminding Rav Yosef of something he had taught pre-amnesia: Shabbat 146b
Rav Shemuel bar Bisna
Rav Yosef said to Rav Shemuel bar Bisna, "You hurt me! [Rashi's trans.]" when Rav Shemuel misinterpreted a Mishnah: Kiddushin 26b
Rav Shemuel bar Idi
What happened when Rav Huna bar Manoach, Rav Shemuel bar Idi and Rav Chiyya of Vistanya came to study with Rav Pappa after their teacher Rava died, and they were dissatisfied with Rav Pappa's lessons: Taanit 9a-b
Declared that even were he promised all of the world's treasures, he would not lie: Bava Metzia 49a-b
Rav Shemuel bar Rav Yosi
Bar Kappara, or perhaps Rabbi Shemuel ben Rabbi Yosi, not standing before Rabbi Shimon bar Rebbe, upsetting him; he complained to his father, Rebbe: Kiddushin 33a
Rav Sheravya
Expressing surprise at a leniency of Rava, he said, "May it be [Gd's] Will that he should permit [forbidden] Fat!": Shabbat 136b
In a case where he delivered a Bill of Divorce, the other witness with him was not initially mentioned because Rabbi Shimon's honor overshadowed his: Gittin 5b
Rabbi Shimon bar Abba remonstrating Rabbi Illai and Rabbi Yaakov bar Zavdi for standing before him, because he didn't consider himself worthy and because they had been learning Torah: Kiddushin 33b
Rabbi Shimon ben Elyakim
Out of mercy, Rabbi Elazar sought to convince orphan sons to support their sister from movable items from the estate [in the absence of land]. His student Rabbi Shimon ben Elyakim protested that Rabbi Elazar's mercy could lead to incorrectly establishing this as law in the future: Ketuvot 50b [as explained in Maharshal there]
Rabbi Shimon ben Rebbe
The Special 7 Blessings recited at His Wedding: Ketuvot 8a
Rabbi Shimon ben Rebbe analyzing a verse "like a knot": Kiddushin 22b
Rabbi Shimon ben Yehotzadak
There were 2 people by this name: Tos. Niddah 10b #2
Rav Shisha breih DeRav Idi
Wore clothing folded up into beautiful cuffs: Shabbat 147a
How Rav Shisha breih deRav Idi stored his phylacteries [tefillin] when he was sleeping: Berachot 24a
Rabbi Simai
Testifying to a practice from Chaggai, Zecharyah and Malachi: Rosh HaShanah 19b
Commenting on the remarkable significance of lessons learned from a Gezeirah Shavah: Keritot 5a
Rav Simi bar Ashi
Rav Simi bar Ashi saving someone who swallowed a snake, or alternatively being saved by Eliyahu the Prophet after swallowing a snake: Shabbat 109b
Rav Simi bar Ashi's decision to stop besieging his teacher, Rav Pappa, with questions, when he saw the embarrassing effect on Rav Pappa: Taanit 9b
A series of comments from Rabbi Ila'a related to enactments of the rabbinical court in Usha; Rav Simi bar Ashi noted that the first statement came from Rabbi Ila'a citing Reish Lakish citing another sage, the second came from Rabbi Ila'a citing Reish Lakish, and the third was just from Rabbi Ila'a himself: Ketuvot 49b-50a
Rav Simi bar Ashi giving a mnemonic to help students remember the flow of a passage: Ketuvot 50a
Rav Simi bar Chiyya
People brought water to Rav Simi bar Chiyya through an area on Shabbat by making a wall out of human beings: Eruvin 44b
Rabbi Shimon bar Abba remonstrating Rabbi Illai and Rabbi Yaakov bar Zavdi for standing before him, because he didn't consider himself worthy and because they had been learning Torah: Kiddushin 33b
Had a pair of shoes which he shared with [his] children: Shabbat 112a
Rav Yehudah bar Ami
When Rabbi Zeira was too tired to learn, he would sit outside Rav Yehudah bar Ami's door, to get reward for standing and honoring Torah scholars as they entered and exited: Eruvin 28b
Rav Yehudah bar Ishtita
Rav Yehudah bar Ishtita brought a fruit basket to Rav Natan bar Oshia: Eruvin 52a-b
Rav Yehudah bar Nachmeni
Translator before Rabbi Chiyya bar Abba: Ketuvot 8b
Translator before Reish Lakish: Temurah 14b
Rav Yehudah bar Oshia
Rabbi Yehudah bar Oshia's advice when asked what to do about a Nochri armorer who lived in the neighborhood and wouldn't rent out his share of the area (which would have allowed the Jews to merge their ownerships for the sake of permitting transportation back and forth on Shabbat): Eruvin 80a
Rav Yehudah bar Oshia was asked for a ruling and didn't have an answer. The question went to Rav Matnah, who also did not have an answer. The question then went to Rav Yehudah, who answered it: Eruvin 80a
Rav Yehudah breih deRav Shemuel bar Shelat
Rav Yehudah breih deRav Shemuel bar Shelat reported a legal ruling by Rav regarding two laws. Rav denied having rendered the ruling in one of the cases, and Rava objected, arguing that he had, himself, heard the ruling from Rav. Rav had recanted his earlier ruling: Eruvin 14b
Rabbi Yehudah Hindvaah
Was a Convert: Kiddushin 22b
Mar Zutra visited Rabbi Yehudah Hindvaah while he was dying, and then took control of his avadim when he died: Kiddushin 22b-23a
Allowed hearsay testimony to say that a Kohen didn't make the blemish to permit use of a First-Born Animal animal, and Mareimar called him "Yeimar, the Permitter of First-Born Animals": Shabbat 145b
Rav Yeiva Sava
Rav Yeiva Sava was sent by the sages to observe Rav Chisda's conduct in practicing a certain Mitzvah. Rav Chisda saw him and said, "When someone picks up a moist piece of wood, you know it's because he wants to use the place beneath it [You obviously didn't come here for nothing]." Rav Chisda then performed his practice, showing him what to do: Eruvin 40b
Rabbi Elazar asked a follow-up question on a case to Rav Yisrael, who responded with the verse, "Give to a wise man and he will become still wiser," meaning that the answer should be clear from the original case: Eruvin 65b
Rav Yitzchak [Son of Rav Yehudah]
Was sent by his father to see how Ulla practiced the Havdalah-Rite Concluding Shabbat, but sent Abbaye instead: Pesachim 104b
How he tested Techelet-Dye for authenticity: Menachot 42b-43a
Rav Yitzchak bar Shemuel bar Marta
Rav Achai married off his son in the household of Rav Yitzchak bar Shmuel bar Marta, and investigated when his son was not able to consummate the marriage. He found that there was a Torah Scroll in the room, and said they could have endangered his son by leaving it there, had the son consummated the marriage in the room: Berachot 25b
Rabbi Yitzchak of the school of Rabbi Ami citing a series of lessons regarding the story of Samson: Sotah 9b
Rav Yitzchak bar Avudimi
Rava said that any pasuk that was not explained by Rav Yitzchak bar Avudimi had not really been explained, and any braita that was not explained by Zeiri had not really been explained: Zevachim 43b
Rabbi Yitzchak bar Bisna
Made a decree following Rav's death, that no one should bring Myrtle and Palm branches to weddings: Shabbat 110a
Bar Kasha of Pumbedita broke the Above decree, and was bitten by a snake and died: Shabbat 110a
Rabbi Avin and Rav Yitzchak ben Rebbe learning before Rabbi Yirmiyah, who dozed off and then awoke to point out an error in their learning: Nedarim 29b-30a
Rav Yitzchak beraih deRabbah bar bar Chanah
Rava telling Rav Yitzchak the teachings of his father, Rabbah bar bar Chanah: Succah 43b
Rav Sheshet asking Rav Yosef bar Chama to bring a charged object back for him from a certain place: Gittin 14a
Rav Yosef bar Chama challenging Rabbah with a question, and Rabbah having no answer [ishtik] but instead referring the question back to him: Bava Metzia 58a
Rav Yosef bar Chama's controversial practice with people who owed him money, and the way he recanted when his son Rabbah challenged him based on various sources: Bava Metzia 64b-65a
Rav Yosef breih d'Rav Menasya
Rav Yosef assigned funding for food, including wine, as well as silk clothing, for the wife of Rav Yosef breih d'Rav Menasya, when she came to his rabbinical court for support: Ketuvot 65a
Rava sent his son Rav Yosef breih d'Rava to study under Rav Yosef for six years. His son came back after three years, on Erev Yom Kippur. Rava was angry and came out to greet him with a weapon, asking if he came home early because he missed his wife. Both Rava and his son were upset; neither ate the meal preceding Yom Kippur: Ketuvot 63a
Rav Nechemiah breih d'Rav Yosef assigning wine with the food support he assigned for the wife of Rav Yosef breih d'Rava, because she lived in Mechoza, where they drank consderable wine: Ketuvot 65a
Rabbi Yosi ben Rabbi Chanina heard a strict legal opinion by Rabbi Chiyya, and laughed at it, not because it was strict but because he knew that there was a specific leniency applicable for that case: Eruvin 47b-48a
Getting permission to examine a blemish in a first-born animal: Yoma 78a
Rebbe married off his son to the daughter of Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra; the son first thought he would learn in yeshiva for twelve years before the marriage, but when he saw her he decided to marry her first, and then go learn in yeshiva: Ketuvot 62b
When Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra's son-in-law [the son of Rebbe] decided to marry his wife before going to yeshiva, he was embarrassed before Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra. Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra calmed him by pointing out that Hashem first said that the Jews would enter Israel before having a Beit haMikdash, and then Hashem so desired to be with us that He gave us a Mishkan in the wilderness: Ketuvot 62b
Rabbi Yosi ben Zimra's daughter became infertile because her husband, the son of Rebbe, remained in yeshiva for too many years after marrying her; he prayed for her and she was healed: Ketuvot 62b
Rabbi Yosi bar Zveida
Rabbi Yosi bar Zveida asking and answering his own question: Ketuvot 44b
Rabbi Yudin
Rabbi Elazar termed Rabbi Yudin, "The Leader of the Generation": Kiddushin 21b
Rabbi Chiyya bar Abba and Rabbi Asa and Rava bar Natan learning together, and Rav Nachman listening and approving their words, and saying Shemuel approved their words, too: Eruvin 32b
Rava bar Rabbah
Called Rav Yosef "Rabbeinu [Our Teacher]": Shabbat 123a
Reporting a question which was discussed in Israel: Temurah 21a [note the Shitah Mikubetzet's edition]
Rava bar Rav Chanan
Rava bar Rav Chanan asked what the law was in a certain case; Abbaye responded, "Go see what the nation does [Puk Chazi Mai Ama Dabar]": Eruvin 14b
Rava bar Shemuel
Rav Pappa, Rav Huna breih deRabbi Yehoshua and Rava bar Shemuel sitting at a meal together and discussing who was pure enough to lead for the blessing: Berachot 22b
Rava bar Tachalifa
Raveina permitted something, and then Rava bar Tachalifa and Rav Shemayah challenged it. They asked Rava, and he also ruled against Raveina: Eruvin 40a
Rava breih deRav Yosef bar Chama
Rav Yosef was angry with Rava breih deRav Yosef bar Chama, and Rava breih deRav Yosef bar Chama went to appease him on the eve of Yom Kippur. He substituted himself for Rav Yosef's servant, and diluted the wine for him. When Rav Yosef [who was blind] tasted the wine, he said, "This wine tastes like the dilution of Rava breih deRav Yosef bar Chama!" When Rava admitted it was he, Rav Yosef said, "Don't sit down until you explain the following verse," a verse regarding the value of humility for Torah study: Eruvin 54a
Ravin bar Chanina reported a lesson from Rabbi Elazar, about a diminution of rights for a woman who forgives her ketubah to her husband. Rav Chisda replied by quoting Mishlei 17, "One who repays good with bad, bad will never leave his home.": Ketuvot 53a
His prayer of "Neilah" closing Yom Kippur: Yoma 87b
Yehudah bar Mareimar
Rav Pappa married off his son to his wife's sister. Yehudah bar Mareimar didn't want to go with Rav Pappa when Abba Sura'ah was writing the ketubah, lest that intimidate Abba Sura'ah into giving a greater amount. In the end, Yehudah bar Mareimar went and was silent, and Abba Sura'ah interpreted the silence as disapproval of the amount, and he gave all of his property for the ketubah. When Abba Sura'ah found out it wasn't disapproval he thought to back out, but Yehudah bar Mareimar said not to become someone who backs out of his agreements: Ketuvot 52b-53a
Yehudah breih d'Rabbi Chiyya
Yehudah breih d'Rabbi Chiyya was the son-in-law of Rabbi Yannai. He would learn in yeshiva all week, and come home on Friday, and Rabbi Yannai would see a pillar of flame before him. One week Yehudah stayed late in his learning, and there was no pillar of flame. Rabbi Yannai thought he had died, and told people to overturn his bed - and his speech was like an error by a ruler, and Yehudah passed away: Ketuvot 62b
His notebook: Shabbat 156a
Called Rabbi Chiyya "Rebbe": Shabbat 156a
People brought fodder to Zeiri through an area in which Shabbat transport should have been prohibited, by making a wall out of human beings: Eruvin 44b
Protesting leniencies, saying, "They have annulled immersion!" [or, possibly, "They have annulled hand-washing!"]: Berachot 22a
Rava said that any pasuk that was not explained by Rav Yitzchak bar Avudimi had not really been explained, and any braita that was not explained by Zeiri had not really been explained: Zevachim 43b
Zeiri of Dihavat
Replying to various sages, "You learn Lesson X from the verse you brought; I learn the same lesson from a different verse": Taanit 7b
Zutra bar Tuvyah
Learning before Rav Yehudah, he repeatedly asked a question which Rav Yehudah didn't answer, until Rav Yehudah got angry and ex-communicated him: Moed Katan 16b