Requiring a Torah scholar to get his wife's permission to leave town in order to study Torah: Ketuvot 61b [and see Tosafot התלמידים], 61b-62a, 62b
Requiring a day labourer to get her permission to leave town in order to work: Ketuvot 61b
Marrying a woman on condition of not having to fulfill the requirement of providing food, clothing and sexual satisfaction: Ketuvot 56a-b; Kiddushin 19b; Bava Metzia 51a-b
A woman will accept her husband being away longer, even reducing onah, if it will result in income, but not if it is just for him to pursue his own mitzvot: Ketuvot 62a [see Rashi שאני התם] and Ketuvot 62b [see Tosafot רוצה]
Rav Rechumi left home to learn Torah from Rava in Mechoza all year, coming home only on the eve of Yom Kippur. One year he was late due to his studies, and his wife cried. As a result, he passed away: Ketuvot 62b
A wife's refusal
Is a woman sanctioned for refusing sexual relations if she says her husband is physically repellent to her?: Ketuvot 63b-64a
Mar Zutra's rabbinical court sanctioned a woman for rejecting her husband due to his physical repellence. The reunion resulted in the birth of Rabbi Chanina of Sura, but that wasn't a sign that this was a good policy; it was a special case of Divine assistance: Ketuvot 63b
Reduction of a woman's ketubah over time for refusal to engage in sexual relations: Ketuvot 63a-b, 64a-b
Loss of rights to the nedunya for refusal to engage in sexual relations: Ketuvot 63b-64a
Loss of rights to support by the husband for refusal to engage in sexual relations in order to pain him: Ketuvot 64a [see Hilchot Ishut 14:9-10]
Whether the rabbinical court should take a conciliatory approach or a coercive approach when a wife refuses: Ketuvot 63b
Waiting up to one year before divorcing a woman who refuses sexual relations in order to pain her husband: Ketuvot 64a
Friday night or Shabbat day as the ideal time for sexual relations: Ketuvot 62b [and see Rashi מע"ש], 64b, 65b
For a woman to demand sexual relations from her husband: Eruvin 100b; Nedarim 20b
Statements against men who demand sexual relations with their wives: Eruvin 100b; Nedarim 20b
Prohibition against forcing one's wife to have sexual relations: Eruvin 100b
Whether all forms of sexual interaction are permitted, or only certain ones: Nedarim 20a-b; Niddah 13b
Potential causes of birth defects, based on the manner of sexual relations: Nedarim 20a-b
A man and woman are only permitted to each other at night because of the human ability for voice-recognition: Gittin 23a
Not to be drunk during Sexual Relations: Pesachim 110a; Nedarim 20b