Mitzvah of Procreation
Wasting Seed, and Birth Control
The requirement for spouses to participate in sexual relations
The Mitzvah of Procreation
Procreation as the Purpose of the Creation of the World: Chagigah 2b
Rabbinic enactments
to enable procreation: Chagigah 2b
Gd and the two parents as partners in creating a child: Kiddushin 30b
Having children depends upon
: Moed Katan 28a
Where it will cause the birth of wicked people: Berachot 10a
Hashem puts one who is married without children in
: Pesachim 113b
Mourning for one who dies without children: Moed Katan 27b
Whether women are obligated in Procreation: Shabbat 111a; Eruvin 27a; Ketuvot 64a; Kiddushin 34a, 34b-35a
Why women may want to procreate even without a mitzvah of producing children: Ketuvot 64a
Statement against those men who travel to Israel, leaving their wives alone for long periods of time: Gittin 6b
for the sake of the children: Eruvin 41b
Compelling divorce
if a couple is married for ten years without producing a child: Ketuvot 77a-b
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