The Kuti Nation
Witnessing a Legal Bill
Witnessing a Bill of Marriage
Witnessing a Bill of Divorce
Witnessing a Bill Freeing an Eved
Making Matzah
Kutim and the rules of tithing Israeli Produce
A Kuti who kills a Jew, or is killed by a Jew, accidentally
A Kuti who curses another person, or is cursed
Cases of "Edim Zomimin" involving a Kuti
Writing a Torah Scroll
Writing Phylacteries
Writing a Doorpost Scroll
Placing down the meal which extends the limit one may travel outside a town on Shabbat [Techum Shabbat]
Merging adjacent yards, vis-a-vis transport between the yards on Shabbat, if one of the yards' houses is owned by a Kuti
Kutim and Sabbatical Year produce
The Kutim and their Mitzvot
The expertise of Kutim in practicing Mitzvot which they accepted: Gittin 10a
Whichever Mitzvah the Kutim decide to keep, they keep better than regular Jews: Gittin 10a
Whether the Kutim kept Shabbat: Nedarim 31a
Whether the Kutim kept the Mitzvah of the husband to
have sexual relations with his wife on Friday night
: Nedarim 31a
Whether the Kutim kept the Mitzvah of
ascending to Jerusalem for holidays
: Nedarim 31a
History of the Kutim
The Kutim appealing to
Alexander Mokdon
to destroy the Second Temple: Yoma 69a
The Kuti attempted to light fake torches to throw off the
Publication of New Month
: Rosh HaShanah 22b
Kuti idolatry: Taanit 5a-b
Interacting with Kutim
Saving the Life
of a Kuti on Shabbat: Yoma 85a
Looking at a Kuti: Megillah 28a
Creating a partnership with a Kuti: Megillah 28a
Punishment for causing a Kuti to have a wound which does not inflict so much as a
of damage: Makkot 8b-9a
Punishment for
a Kutit: Ketuvot 29a-30a
Stories of Kutim
How two kutim handled the breakup of a manager/investor partnership, and
Rav Pappa
's rulings for them: Bava Metzia 69a-b
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