General Principles of Service
General Issues
For a Kohen to bring an offering for someone who has
vowed renouncing benefit from him
: Nedarim 35b-36a
Performing a service for a
: Nedarim 36a
Practice of turining to the right atop the Altar: Yoma 58b
List of the hardest Services: Yoma 47b
The Service [of the Pesach Offering] was arranged for
: Pesachim 64b
Priority of mitzvah of
Reading the Purim Story
, vs. Service in the Temple: Megillah 3a-b
Priority of mitzvah of
Burying a body which has no buriers
, vs. Service in the Temple: Megillah 3a-b
Interrupting the study of Torah
for Service in the Temple: Megillah 3a-b
The Value of
Torah Learning
, as opposed to that of Temple Service: Megillah 3a-b
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