Those who perform the service of the parah adumah
Whether an
may perform the service of the parah adumah: Zevachim 17b
Whether a
tevul yom
may perform the service of the parah adumah: Zevachim 17b, 21a
Whether a
mechusar kapparah
may perform the service of the parah adumah: Zevachim 17b
tzidduki [Sadducee] debate
as to whether the kohen who worked with the parah adumah could be impure: Zevachim 21a
Intentionally making the kohen impure, to demonstrate that the tziddukim are incorrect: Zevachim 21a
If the sprinkler is someone from whom the sprinklee had
vowed not to receive benefit
: Rosh HaShanah 28a
[Im]purity for one who performs the service of sprinkling the
: Niddah 9a
Requiring clothes-washing for one who sprinkles the water: Niddah 9a
How they paid people who guarded the cow or the child involved in the service: Bava Metzia 58a
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