The ["Golden"] Altar in the Inner Room - Mizbach haZahav - מזבח הזהב, מזבח הקטורת
The outer [earthen] mizbeiach
The ketoret incense brought on this mizbeiach
Sprinkling of blood from parim hanisrafim and seirim hanisrafim on the internal mizbeiach
Sprinkling of blood from the
Sa'ir LaShem
Par haKohanim
on the internal mizbeiach
The Mizbeiach
The Shamir-Worm, used to make it, was
Created on Day 6 of Creation, at Sunset
: Pesachim 54a
The Rim [Zer] around it: Yoma 72b
The term "Tiharo Shel Mizbayach" for the Top of the Altar: Yoma 59a
Height of the altar [in the Tabernacle]: Shabbat 92a
The size of the
used in measuring the altar: Eruvin 4a
Placement of the Altar in relation to the walls of the Inner Room: Yoma 59a; Sotah 14b
Power of this altar for attaining
: Ketuvot 10b
This altar was not anointed in the mishkan, and so it never became a formal Beit haMikdash implement [kli sharet]; it was like the floor: Zevachim 27b
Special power of this altar to render unacceptable offerings
placed thereupon
acceptable: Zevachim 27b
What "prepares" the altar for each day's service: Menachot 49a, 50a
of public offerings is brought on the Internal Altar: Menachot 50a-b
Whether gold which had been used for
a prostitute's fee
may be used for the foil coating the altar: Temurah 30b
What if
foreign incense
is brought on this mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
How many sprinklings are required when blood from a korban is
placed on the internal mizbeiach
: Zevachim 36b, 38a-b
Impact of
improper intent
during one of the
on the internal mizbeiach: Zevachim 36b, 38b
Improper intent
the wrong place in one sprinkling and the wrong time in another sprinkling
, on the internal mizbeiach: Zevachim 36b
Blood from korbanot was
on the base of the
external mizbeiach
, not the internal mizbeiach: Zevachim 51a-52a
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