Ammah - Cubit
The size of the cubits used in the Temple vessels, as opposed to in the basic structure, of the Temple: Eruvin 4a, 4b; Succah 5b, 6b
Specific Finger for Measuring the Cubit: Ketuvot 5b
General rule regarding the size of a cubit in most functions: Eruvin 3b-4a
The size of the cubit used to measure the
gold Temple altar
: Eruvin 4a
The size of the cubit used in presenting laws regarding a
Succah's height
: Eruvin 3b
The size of the cubit used in presenting laws regarding the
curved wall [Dofen Akumah] which forms part of a Succah's roof
: Eruvin 3b
The size of the cubit used in measuring the
area of a Succah
: Eruvin 3b
The size of the cubit used in presenting laws regarding the
permissible gap in the wall of an alley in which a person wishes to transport items on Shabbat
: Eruvin 3b
The size of the cubit used in presenting laws regarding the
maximum size of the entrance of an alley in which a person wishes to transport items on Shabbat
: Eruvin 3b
The size of the cubit used in presenting laws regarding
a gap in a vineyard, or a space bordering a vineyard, to determine whether it is permissible to plant in that empty space
: Eruvin 3b-4a
The size of the cubit used in measuring the
gap between vines, to determine whether the vines constitute a vineyard, forbidding planting seeds there, or not
: Eruvin 3b-4a
The size of the cubit used in measuring the space a person may travel if he finds himself
outside the limit for travel on Shabbat [Techum]
: Eruvin 48a
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