Quorum / Minyan
Congregational Prayer
Repetition of the Amidah [Chazarat haShatz]
General Issues
How we know that a Quorum is made of 10: Berachot 21b
Importance of a Quorum Vs.
Set Times for Shema
Linking Prayers of Redemption and the Amidah
: Rosh Berachot 1:1
The Importance of having a Quorum present on time for prayer: Berachot 6b
Having a quorum for a practice which is considered to involve "Holiness": Megillah 23b
Use of the phrase, "Dear ones," to refer to a quorum, specifically: Megillah 23b
Use of
Gd's Name
in a ritual, without a quorum: Megillah 23b
Specific Procedures [Not] Requiring a Quorum
[Non-]Obligation of having a Quorum for a Laborer's prayer: Berachot 16a
For having a
leader for the group
as it prays: Megillah 23b
leading the blessing after eating with a special set of verses and recitations, including Gd's Name
: Megillah 23b
For the special
"half-reading" of Shema ["Porsin al Shema"]
: Megillah 23b
For the
Reading of the Torah
: Megillah 23b
For the
Special Readings from the Prophets
: Megillah 23b
For the
Blessing of the Nation Via the Raised Hands of the Kohanim
: Megillah 23b
For the
7 Blessings for a wedded couple
: Megillah 23b; Ketuvot 7a, 7b, 8a
reading the Purim Story
: Megillah 5a
For the special haltings of a bier as it is
brought to the cemetery
: Megillah 23b
For the
Blessing of Mourners
: Megillah 23b
For the
Line of Consolation for Mourners
: Megillah 23b
Requiring a quorum, including one Kohen, for a
court evaluating the value
sanctified land
: Megillah 23b
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