In cases of Doubt vs. Doubt, and Doubt vs. Certainty: Pesachim 9a
Weighing a physical chazakah vs. a financial chazakah: Ketuvot 75b
Weighing psychological chazakot against each other: Ketuvot 75b-76a
Arguing for one's own financial rights based on a physical chazakah involving someone else's body: Ketuvot 76a
Differentiating between relying on a physical chazakah to retain a current financial right, vs. relying on a physical chazakah to gain a new financial right: Ketuvot 76a-b
Establishing a Chazakah
Considering something which occurs twice/thrice, to be a certainty [Chazakah]: Eruvin 97a; Niddah 10a, 64a
Establishing a certainty [Chazakah] that a person is a sinner, by committing three sins: Temurah 27a
Maintain the status quo: "Stand the item upon its established status [Haameid al Chezkato]": Niddah 2a-4b
"There are 'legs' for this assumption [Raglayim laDavar]": Sotah 2b, 3a; Niddah 3a
Assuming the status quo remains true, versus one or more reasons to doubt that it is still relevant: Ketuvot 75b [the case from Negaim 4:11]; Niddah 2b-3a
Concern that a barrel will break, vs. the assumption that it will remain intact, since it is intact now: Succah 24a
If moldy bread/matzah is found in a breadbox, after/on Pesach, do we assume it was there before?: Pesachim 7a
A mikvah which was found to be lacking the necessary amount of water: Niddah 2b [2x], 3b
When produce which was used for multiple separations of tithes is discovered to be rotten, how far back do we assume it was rotten?: Niddah 2b, 3b
Cases of Physical Chazakah: Animals
Assuming that an animal that was alive remains alive, vs. assuming an animal found to be dead was already dead at an earlier time: Ketuvot 76a-b
Concern that an animal will die, vs. the assumption that it will remain alive since it is alive now: Succah 23a-24b
Assuming that a needle found in a slaughtered animal's reticulum was there while the animal was still alive: Ketuvot 76b
Cases of Physical Chazakah: Humans
In examining tzaraat, invoking the assumption that a white hair was still black at the time when a mark of tzaraat developed, because hair is naturally black: Ketuvot 75b
Assuming that a physical defect perceived after a wedding was actually present at the time of the kiddushin: Ketuvot 75b-76b
The case of the Katlanit - a woman who has been widowed multiple times, in sequence: Ketuvot 43b
Assuming that one's wife is not menstruant, if she was menstruant when he was last aware of her status: Niddah 11b, 15a-b, 16b
Cases of Chazakah of a Legal Status
In issues of impurity, it is assumed that at a previous moment in time, items were in the same state as they are now: Niddah 4a, 56a
The status of money found in a box/location which had held regular money and Secondary Tithe Money: Pesachim 7a
The status of money found in Jerusalem, or before merchants - do we assume it was dedicated for a sacred purpose?: Bava Metzia 26a
Status of [retroactive] impurity for a woman who sees menstrual blood: Niddah 2a-7a, 9b, 15a
The status of a person who touches a crawling creature, and is unsure whether it was from an impure species or not: Niddah 4a
The status of an item on which a formerly impure utensil is found, when it is unclear whether the utensil or the item was capable of communicating or contracting impurity at the moment of their initial contact: Niddah 4a
The status of a loaf of bread on a shelf, where a lenient form of impurity ["Madaf"] is found beneath the shelf: Niddah 4a-b
The status of olives on which a burnt crawling creature is found, so that it is unclear whether it had been burnt before it contacted the olives or not: Niddah 4a, 56a