Tumat Sheratzim - impurity of crawling creatures
Please note that the term "Sheretz" refers to a "Crawling Creature," here limited to those which communicate impurity, and that the pluralization of "Sheretz" is "Sheratzim."
Defining a "Sheretz"
A serpent is not a sheretz: Eruvin 13b; Keritot 4b
Communication of impurity from a sheretz
This type of impurity is considered 'tumah kalah' - light impurity - because it only communicates impurity in a limited way: Keritot 21a
Which sheratzim communicate impurity: Shabbat 107a-b
Sheratzim considered to be of the "Av" level of impurity: Bava Kama 2a-b
If a sheretz touches the outside or inside of a container which has both an inside and outside: Pesachim 17b
Communication of the impurity of a sheretz from one part of its receptacle to the other, across a barrier: Megilah 26b; Zevachim 3a-b
The sheretz gives its container a rishon l'tumah [first descendant level of impurity] and the food inside with it a sheni l'tumah [second descendant level of impurity]: Pesachim 20a-b
For Impurity communicated by carrying: Shabbat 83b
Sheretz atop an even masma [heavy rock atop pegs over an item]: Shabbat 82b
The status of a person who touches a sheretz, and is unsure whether it was from an impure species or not: Niddah 4a
The status of olives on which a burnt sheretz is found, so that it is unclear whether it had been burnt before it contacted the olives or not: Niddah 4a, 56a
The retroactive status of an alley in which a sheretz is discovered; what is the status of other items that were in that location?: Niddah 3a, 3b
The retroactive status of a house in which a sheretz is found; what is the status of other items that were in that location?: Niddah 4a
The retroactive status of a box in which a sheretz is found; what is the status of other items that were in that location?: Niddah 3b-4b
The retroactive status of a pail in which a sheretz is found; what is the status of other items that were in that location?: Niddah 3b-4a
Status of blood from a sheretz: Keritot 4b
Beyond the Laws
There was an aged student in Yavneh who could provide 150 reasons why a sheretz should be considered pure: Eruvin 13b