Above is only when touched by anything which would invalidate Terumah for Consumption, except a Person awaiting Sunset for Purification, and is Rabbinic: Pesachim 14b; Niddah 7b
Blood which is squeezed from the blood vessel does not prepare items for impurity; it must be the blood with which the Life departs: Pesachim 16b; Niddah 19b
Water from Offerings accepting Impurity if there is a Reviit-Amount of it in a puddle on the ground, constituting a Biblical Minimal Ritual Bath: Pesachim 17a-b
Ability of Wine and Oil from Offerings to receive Impurity and to Transfer it to Others: Pesachim 16b-17a
For Wine and Oil from Offerings which came into contact with Impurity while inside the Temple [and so remained Pure], and then were brought outside, to be able to be Make Others Impure: Pesachim 17a