Use of the Majority in Adjudication - אזלינן בתר רובא
Cases where an item left a mixture
Cases where an item is found in a mixture
General Rules
Concern for a minority percentage of cases: Gittin 2b; Niddah 18b
Cases where the majority is considered to be equivalent to unanimity: Niddah 18a
A majority, against an established, pre-existing, status: Niddah 18b
Specific Cases using the Majority
Using "majority" to establish that the rule of an
"Inevitable" Transgression resultant from an Action
doesn't apply to a given case: Ketuvot 6b
Relying on the majority of cases, in a matter of
Saving Lives
: Ketuvot 15b
Using "majority" in determining the nature of a locale in which a lost object is discovered: Bava Metzia 24a, 26a
Determining validity of the slaughter of a slaughtered bird found in a house or in a garbage heap: Bava Metzia 24b
Determining popular expertise, in determining whether a
Bill of Divorce
was written properly: Gittin 2b
The majority's ability in recognizing neighbors' signatures: Gittin 4a
Assuming that
genital bleeding
came from the area where most genital bleeding comes from: Niddah 18a
Considering an afterbirth to be an indication that there was a child: Niddah 18a, 26a
Considering a birthed limb to be an indication that there had been a full fetus inside: Niddah 18a, 24a, 28a
Assuming that bread which is found on the road was
baked by a nochri
: Eruvin 64b
Assuming that most thieves in Jewish areas are Jewish: Beitzah 15a
Assuming based upon the Majority vs. Circumstances that lead to a different conclusion
Destroying Terumah
, where the majority of cases would be
but there is a
previous, verified status
of purity: Niddah 18b
Weighing the rule that the Majority marry as virgins vs. lack of Rumor of a virgin-Style Wedding: Ketuvot 16a-b, 28a
Weighing majority against proximity [Rov v'Karov]: Beitzah 10b-11a
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