General Rules of Oaths - Shevuot
Credibility for Oaths
Interpretation of a person's Language
An Oath to Perform a Mitzvah
An Oath's Role
An Oath forbids an act from being carried out: Nedarim 2b, 13b, 15a, 18a
An Oath isn't used to forbid an item from use: Nedarim 2b
Whether an oath may be
rescinded by a Court
: Nedarim 28a
Types of Oaths, and their Effectiveness
An oath which is partially or completely redundant to a previous oath: Nedarim 17a-18a
An oath which is clearly ridiculous: Nedarim 24b
An oath which is made based upon an errant assumption: Nedarim 25b
An oath that one will not carry out a biological function: Nedarim 15b, 16b
An oath for one who is already sworn to [not] commit the act mentioned in the oath: Nedarim 8a, 18a
Swearing by the Temple Service ["Ha'Avodah!!"]: Nedarim 9b; Zevachim 13a
The 4 types of oaths - positive and negative, past and future: Nedarim 16a
An Oath on a claim involving produce planted in a vessel: Bava Metzia 56b; Menachot 69a
An Oath on a claim involving replanted produce: Bava Metzia 56b; Menachot 69a
An oath which was made to save property from a bandit: Nedarim 27b-28a
Whether one may offer an oath to a bandit, to convince him that property is not his to give up: Nedarim 28a
The Court's Mandating of Oaths
The warning of the court before a party vows: Nedarim 25a
Mandating an Oath from people where we know that one is lying: Bava Metzia 2b
There is no Oath on claims of territory: Bava Metzia 4b, 5a; Menachot 69a
A Bill is like territory, and there is no Oath on it: Bava Metzia 4b
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