The Heavenly Court - Beit Din Shel Maalah
The Judgment on Rosh haShanah
Legal Decisions
The Heavenly court agreed with the
of the human court in three areas:
creating the reading of Megilat Esther
, instituting use of
Gd's Name
in greeting other people, and
removal of the Levites' exclusive right to Maaser Rishon
: Makkot 23b
The Heavenly Court Passes Judgment
Mondays and Thursdays as days of judgment both above and below, and therefore somewhat of a threat to people's health: Shabbat 129b
If a person who is liable for
Divine Ex-communication
, the Heavenly Court forgives him: Makkot 13b-14a
The Heavenly Court awaits the
calendar verdict of the human court
, in determining the annual
day of Judgment
for the world: Rosh HaShanah 8b
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