Considering the heirs who split the property as purchasers from each other or as individual heirs, vis-a-vis responsibility to each other: Bava Kama 9a
Inheritance for a couple after Kiddushin and before Nisuin: Ketuvot 53a; Kiddushin 10a
Advice to parents not to stint in order to leave money to their children: Eruvin 54a
A warning not to be involved in warping the order of inheritance with legal artifice: Ketuvot 52b-53a
A person who comes into money without effort should use some of it for a mitzvah, such as acquiring a Torah or writing Tefillin, so that he will be able to retain the rest: Eruvin 64a-b
Considering the heir an extension of the deceased, for certain legal issues [Yoreish Kara deAvuha]: Eruvin 70b
One who creates an irrevocable trust in his lifetime will complain in court, but they won't be able to help him: Bava Metzia 75b
Tehillim 128:6 says, "See children for your children, peace upon Israel." When one has grandchildren, there will be peace in the courts, as there will be no strife regarding inheritance: Ketuvot 50a [see Maharsha]
Dividing Up an Inherited Property
Evaluate what the Heirs have already taken, except that which has been used for their children or for the eldest Inheritor, who acts as their representative: Bava Kama 11b
Splitting property between minors and adults, where the adult heirs invested in its improvement: Bava Metzia 39b-40a
Splitting a house of less than 4*4 cubits: Succah 3b
Inheritance by the First-Born
Determining via the first-born of the mother or father: Kiddushin 29b
Sons and Daughters as Joint Heirs
The calculation of the money provided to a daughter upon her marriage, where the sons are supporting her at the time of her marriage: Nedarim 39b
Can heirs inherit a korban [temple offering]: Zevachim 5b-6a, 7b
Substituting another animal for a korban that was inherited from its original owner: Zevachim 5b-6a; Temurah 2a, 2a-2b, 3a
Inheriting ill-gotten gains
Inheriting money collected as interest: Bava Metzia 62a
Inheriting stolen items which are easily recognizable as stolen, such a a cow or a garment: Bava Metzia 62a
Heirs dealing with Parental Debts as a Unit
Reimbursal of one Inheritor to the Other if the father's Creditor collected from him: Bava Kama 9a
Ability of the Inheritor to Pay back his co-Inheritor in Money, for his loss of Land to the father's Creditor: Bava Kama 9a
If One Inheritor took Money and the other took the land, and a Creditor of the Father collected from the Land-Inheritor, responsibility of Money-Inheritor to reimburse him: Bava Kama 9a