If children find an object as minors, whether it automatically goes to their father: Ketuvot 42a, 44a, 46b, 47a, 65b; Bava Metzia 12a
Whether the father gets his child's Discovered Object, Biblically: Bava Metzia 12a-b
Whether the father automatically has rights to what his daughter who is under the age of 12.5 produces: Ketuvot 40b, 42a, 46b, 47a, 65b; Kiddushin 3b-4a, 10a
Whether the father automatically has rights to what his daughter produces, in the case of a daughter who has been under a chuppah or has received money for kiddushin: Kiddushin 5a-b
Where the child is an adult, but still financially dependent on the Father: Bava Metzia 12b
Where the child is a minor, but no longer financially dependent on the Father: Bava Metzia 12b
Who receives payment for embarrassing or damaging a minor in an act of rape or seduction: Ketuvot 40b, 41b-42a; Kiddushin 3b
Whether a parent may benefit from the produce of land which children inherit via the other parent's family: Ketuvot 46b, 47a; Kiddushin 10a
Whether a father's rights to a daughter's property, or payments due to her from court proceedings, are passed to the father's heirs as an inheritance, where the heirs take care of the daughter from the estate: Ketuvot 42a, 43a-43b; Kiddushin 16b
What happens to property a child earns, but has not yet received when the parent dies: Ketuvot 42a
If a man consecrates all of his property, does that include the clothing of his wife and children, and clothing that has been made for them and has not been worn?: Ketuvot 54a
Financial Dealings
Minors are not capable of forgiving a financial hold on anything: Pesachim 50b, Bava Metzia 22b