Rabbinic Edicts against particular activities, and doing Weekday-style Work on Shabbat and Yom Tov [Shevut and Uvda deChol]
The Reason for these Edicts
Whether people do [not] naturally avoid breaking Shabbat, due to its high level of stringency: Pesachim 11a
Application of these Prohibitions
Whether these prohibitions apply during the period "between the suns [Bein haShemashot]" at the start and end of Shabbat: Eruvin 30b, 32b, 34b [2x], 35b, 78b
Violating a "Shevut" prohibition for the sake of a Mitzvah, if there is no actual act involved: Eruvin 67b-68a
Violating a "Shevut" prohibition for the sake of the honor of sanctified scrolls: Eruvin 97b-98a
Applicability of these prohibitions in the Temple [Ein Shevut beMikdash]: Shabbat 126a; Eruvin 102a-103b; Pesachim 65a, 65b-66a
Applicability of Rabbinic prohibitions against Shabbat work where this act is Unnecessary: Pesachim 65a
Applicability of Rabbinic Prohibitions where the act could have been performed before Shabbat: Eruvin 102b; Pesachim 66a
General Medicine
Eating ordinary foods, which often are used as medication: Shabbat 109a, 140a
Eating therapeutic foods which are not eaten by healthy people: Shabbat 109b
Drinking medication for non-medicinal purposes: Shabbat 109b
Annointing one's self with medication for non-medicinal purposes: Shabbat 109b
Consuming medication as medication, where it is also ordinarily eaten: Shabbat 111a, 139b, 140a
Annointing with medication as medication, where it is also ordinarily eaten: Shabbat 111a-b
Preparing medication where it is also ordinarily eaten: Shabbat 140a
Preparing medication in an Altered Way: Shabbat 156a
Medication which has a deleterious effect on other sections of the body: Shabbat 110a
Where the Medicinal Value is Dubious: Yoma 49a
Annointing with medication where it is not ordinarly used: Shabbat 111b
For a King/Prince to use a medicine which is normally only used as medicine: Shabbat 111a, 128a
For Jews to consider themselves Princes in the above line: Shabbat 111a, 128a
Replacing a plaster on a wound [one might come to smear the contents of the plaster]: Eruvin 102b
Specific Medications
For a Sore Throat: Yoma 83a
For Eyes, directly or with an Altered Method: Shabbat 108b
An ache in the mouth: Yoma 84a-b
Olive oil for a wound: Shabbat 128a
Soaking a wounded foot or hand: Shabbat 109a
Different kinds of rags and sponges, covering a wound: Shabbat 134b; Eruvin 103b
Medicine for something which is considered possibly life-threatening: Yoma 83a
Setting a broken bone: Shabbat 147a, 147b-148a
Therapeutic washing and soaking on Shabbat: Shabbat 109a-b
Warm water [heated before Shabbat] and oil for a wound: Shabbat 134b
Above, on the side of a wound, letting it run into the wound: Shabbat 134b
Public Gatherings for Public Needs: Shabbat 150a, Ketuvot 5a
Meeting in Theaters and Circuses for Public Needs: Shabbat 150a, Ketuvot 5a
For Saving a Life: Shabbat 150a
For tending to the needs of a bride: Shabbat 150b, 151a
For tending to the needs of a corpse: Shabbat 150b, 151a
Preparing medication, to continue a pre-Shabbat cycle of medication: Shabbat 140a
"Weekday work" for Business
Calculations which do not have practical ramifications: Shabbat 150a-b
Avoiding mention of actual sums: Shabbat 151a
Hiring workers, for work on another day: Shabbat 150a
Calculations of past wages, where some of the salary is/isn't still owed: Shabbat 150b
Arranging apprenticeship & education on Shabbat: Shabbat 150a, Ketuvot 5a
Speaking about weekday business: Shabbat 113a-b
Thinking about weekday business: Shabbat 113a-b
Waiting by the edge of the Shabbat Travel Border, to do something outside of the Border after Shabbat: Shabbat 150a, 150b-151a
Differentiating, in the above line, between a purpose which could or couldn't be done on Shabbat: Shabbat 150a, 150b-151a
Rabbi Abba's Rule: Anything I could ask someone to do after Shabbat, I can wait by the limit of Shabbat travel to do myself: Shabbat 150a, 150b-151a
Discussion where it is possible for the fulfillment of the purpose under discussion to become permissible on Shabbat: Shabbat 150b
Other Issues in "Weekday work"
Not Marrying on Saturday Night, to prevent Meal-Planning on Shabbat: Ketuvot 5a
Setting up Couples on Shabbat: Shabbat 150a, Ketuvot 5a
Waiting by the edge of the Shabbat Travel-Limit to bring an animal in after Shabbat: Shabbat 151a
Scattering straw on a hazardous surface to enable people to walk on it, in the manner one would employ for scattering such materials during the week: Eruvin 104a