Netillat Neshamah - Killing [נטילת נשמה]
Definition of the Melachah
Defining a wound as a bruise in which the blood collects in one place under the skin, even if it isn't released: Shabbat 107b
A wound is something which doesn't return to its prior state: Shabbat 107b
Wounding someone in a destructive manner: Shabbat 106a, Ketuvot 5b-6a
Wounding someone to use the blood: Shabbat 106a
Potentially Related Forms of Melachah
In Slaughtering an animal: Shabbat 75a-b
In killing a dangerous creature, where it isn't endangering anyone: Shabbat 121b
A wound in flesh which is considered dead, even that of a non-viable child, isn't a wound: Shabbat 136a
A Wound in one of the 8 crawling creatures whose skin is considered separate from their flesh: Shabbat 107a-b
A wound of an animal: Shabbat 107a
A wound of a bird: Shabbat 107a, 108a
If one threw an object to cause a wound, and remembered the prohibition before the object struck: Shabbat 102a
Circumcision on Shabbat: Shabbat 106a, Yoma 85b
Wound created in breaking the hymen: Ketuvot 4b, 5b-6a
Fear of potentially wounding in regular intercourse: Ketuvot 6b
Killing a louse, or similar crawling creature: Shabbat 107b
Letting a fish die by drying out: Shabbat 107b
Bandaging a wound in a manner which will remove the blood: Eruvin 103b; Zevachim 19a
Bandaging a wound in a manner which will remove the blood,
in the Temple
: Eruvin 103b; Zevachim 19a
Other issues
performed on Shabbat
?: Ketuvot 33b-34a
Paying four or five times the value of a stolen animal
if one stole and butchered it on Shabbat, as we have a rule that
we only give the harsher of two penalties that a person has incurred
: Ketuvot 33b-34b
Paying four or five times the value of a stolen animal
if one
borrowed it
before Shabbat and butchered it on Shabbat, as we have a rule that
we only give the harsher of two penalties that a person has incurred
: Ketuvot 34b
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