Milk and other secretions and excretions from kosher and non-kosher creatures
That which emerges from a kosher creature is kosher; that which emerges from a non-kosher creature is non-kosher: Bechorot 5b, 6a-7a
Excretions which closely resemble the food a non-kosher animal ingested: Bechorot 7a
Why isn't all milk prohibited as
eiver min hachai - flesh taken from a living creature
: Bechorot 6b
Camel milk: Bechorot 6b
Milk from kosher creatures: Bechorot 6b
Milk from general non-kosher creatures: Bechorot 6b
Milk from
human beings
: Ketuvot 60a, Keritot 22a
rabbinic prohibition
nursing from a human being
after a certain age or after one has stopped nursing: Ketuvot 60a [2x]
Why is bee honey kosher?: Bechorot 7b
Honey from other insects: Bechorot 7b
Other Excretions and Secretions
Brine from non-kosher fish: Bechorot 6b
A non-kosher/kosher fish which had been swallowed by a kosher/non-kosher fish: Bechorot 7b-8a
Stew that contained non-kosher flesh: Bechorot 6b
Urine from a donkey, or from other non-kosher animals: Bechorot 7a-b
A donkey's caul: Bechorot 7b
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