Textual support for the principle that "Eye for an Eye" is not literal: Chagigah 11a
All rules of Damage, Payment, Etc. in Financial Cases Apply Equally to Males and Females: Bava Kama 14b, 15a
The Animal's Body goes to the Victim, and the Vandal fills in the difference between the Live Animal and the Corpse: Bava Kama 10b, 11a
Whose Responsibility it is to get the Corpse to the Victim: Bava Kama 11a
The Animal's Body's Value is evaluated at the time of Damage; any subsequent depreciation is the loss of the Victim: Bava Kama 10b-11a, 15a
In a case of damage caused by 2 parties, one cannot demand for one party to pay the other's share, where the other can't afford to pay: Bava Kama 13a-b
In a case where there were 2 potentially guilty parties, and both parties deny guilt, and the truth cannot be determined: Bava Kama 13b
The liable party must be owner of the Vandal from Damage to the time of the Verdict of the Court: Bava Kama 13b
General Responsiblity for Damage which takes place on one's own property: Bava Kama 13b, 14a
Classes of Payment
Payment for damage [via Central Forms of Damage] comes from one's finest property or money [where payment is via land]: Bava Kama 2a, 5a, 7b, 9a, 9b; Bava Metzia 77b
Money is an Equivalent of the High-Class Property: Bava Kama 9a, 14b
Collection from lower-class property, where that is all that the Vandal has: Bava Kama 7b
Where the Vandal has only High and Middle Class Property: Bava Kama 7b
Where the Vandal has only Middle and Low Class Property: Bava Kama 7b-8a
Distingushing in the above case between:
If the Vandal Sold his Best Property after liability, or not;
If the Vandal's Intermediate Property is equal to that of others, or better;
If the Value of Property is judged in comparison with that of others, or only that of the Vandal;
Whether Loans are repaid from Intermediate Property, or Cheap Property.
All of the above appear in Bava Kama 7b-8a
Option for the Vandal to Offer High-Quality property and evaluate the damage at the current, cheap rate, as opposed to Medium-Quality property at the high rate: Bava Kama 7b
Where it is uncertain whether the Damage was from the Best or Worst of the Victim's property: Bava Kama 6b
Evaluating "High-Class" Property based on the Vandal's property or that of the rest of the World: Bava Kama 7b-8a
Where the Finest property of the Victim is equal to the Worst of the Vandal, deciding whether payment comes from property equal to the Worst or Best of the Vandal: Bava Kama 6b
Where the Victim has One Class of Property, which is in between the Medium and High Class of the Vandal: Bava Kama 6b
Considering a purchaser of land to be an injured party if the seller backs out, because he sold off land in order to afford the purchase: Bava Metzia 77b
Payment via the Equivalent of Cash: Movable Items
Collection by the Court of movable items from the Heirs, where they were Bound to Another person during the Vandal's lifetime: Bava Kama 14b
If the Victim grabs movable items, the Court collects from those items for him: Bava Kama 14b
Option for Payment with Movable items [Where there is no Land]: Bava Kama 7a-7b, 7b, 9a, 10b
Collection from a Third Party
Ability to collect from Post-Damage Purchasers of the Vandal's Property: Bava Kama 8a
Collection comes from the purchaser of the vandal's last remaining property, first: Bava Kama 8a
Where a Single Individual Purchased the vandal's property, but he purchased the finest quality after the rest: Bava Kama 8a-b
Where the Purchaser sold off the Intermediate and Cheap sections of the Vandal's former Property: Bava Kama 8b
Where the Purchaser sold off the Expensive Section of the Vandal's former Property: Bava Kama 8b
If the Seller is going to have to Repay the Purchaser when the field is collected for a debt [or perhaps even if he won't], then the Seller is able to stand against a Lender who tries to collect his property from the Purchaser, as a true party to that case: Bava Kama 8b
Institution protecting Purchasers, forbidding Collection from Third-Party property where the Vandal still has property: Bava Kama 8b
Collecting from a Purchaser who declares preference for not following the Institution [above], because he will benefit more this way: Bava Kama 8b