Bill Validation
A Challenge to a Bill of Divorce
Rules of Non-Bait Din Testimony
Rules of Testimony in Court
Procedure for Presentation of Testimony
Court's Stamp of Approval [Hanpek] for a Bill, and Validation of Bills
Claiming that the Bill was of an invalid type: See the listings in
In General
Requiring 2 witnesses: Gittin 3a
Validation of Bills as a
Rabbinic institution
: Ketuvot 21b, 28a
Where the Bill has something wrong with it: Bava Metzia 12b
Validation by the Original Witnesses
Recognizing their Signatures: Ketuvot 18b
Invalidating the original testimony of their Signatures: Ketuvot 18b
Need for Proof, where the defendant admits having written it: Shabbat 78b-79a, Ketuvot 19a, Bava Metzia 7a, 12b-14a, 72a-b
If Verifiers Claim that the original testimony was invalid: Ketuvot 19b-20a
If the Witnesses claim that there was an unfulfilled Condition: Ketuvot 19b
If One Witness says there was a Condition, and one argues: Ketuvot 19b
Having each Witness verify his signature and his partner's: Ketuvot 20b-21a
If you only have each Witness verifying his own signature: Ketuvot 20b-21a
By Verifiers of the Signatures
Considering signatures to be verification, in themselves, as though we knew that their testimony was examined in court: Gittin 3a
If they say that the Witnesses weren't Valid: Ketuvot 19b
Above case, but where other proof of the signatures exists: Ketuvot 19b
If one of the Witnesses dies, how many are needed to verify his signature: Ketuvot 21a
If one of the Verifiers knows the signature from when he was a minor, where the signator was his Father/Rebbe/Brother: Ketuvot 28a
Verification by another Bill's Signatures
Requiring that the other Bill be verified separately in Court: Ketuvot 20a
Requiring that their signatures appear on 2 Unchallenged Bills from the Sale of Land which was then held for 3 years: Ketuvot 20a
Requiring that the Verification Bill be from a Third Party: Ketuvot 20a
Writing out the Signature, for future verification: Ketuvot 21a
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