The Kingdom of Israel
Eliyahu [Elijah], after traveling to Heaven
Whether kings of Yisrael are
: Keritot 5b
The Ten Tribes
The waters of Deyumsas and Wine of the nation "Perogaisa" drew them away from Mitzvot: Shabbat 147b
's trip to bring back the 10 Tribes: Megillah 14b
Whether the
Jubilee Cycle
continued after the departure of the Ten Tribes: Megillah 14b
's reign over the Ten Tribes upon their return: Megillah 14b
Ahab / Achav
Ruined by his public favor: Yoma 87a
Number of mourners who accompanied his body: Bava Kama 17a
The spirit of Navot requesting the opportunity to cause Ahab's downfall: Shabbat 149b
The eulogy for Ahab: Megillah 3a; Moed Katan 28b
and Achav ruled over the entire world: Megillah 11a
A man who
listens to his wife's advice
in certain areas, as King Achav did, will end up in
: Bava Metzia 59a
Elisha the Prophet
Elisha performed his miracles via
: Megillah 27a
The Shunami woman's room for him: Berachot 10b
The Shunami hostess rewarded for her hostelry by the revival of her son: Berachot 10b
Only accepting the most minimal of gifts: Berachot 10b
The Shunami woman recognized his holiness, in lack of flies/seed: Berachot 10b
Elisha's servant Gechazi's evil nature: Berachot 10b
Elisha's mourning for Eliyahu, after Eliyahu ascended to Heaven: Moed Katan 26a
tearing his clothes
over Eliyahu's departure, although he wasn't dead, because he would never see him again: Moed Katan 26a
Elisha's servant, Gechazi, wanted that which was not his, and so he even lost that which he had: Sotah 9b
Elisha making iron float on water: Sotah 13a
Eliyahu HaNavi - Elijah the Prophet
Eliyahu [Elijah], after traveling to Heaven
Eliyahu as one of the eight "Princes" - Yishai, Shaul, Shemuel, Amos, Tzefaniah, Tzidkiyahu/Chizkiyahu, Messiah, Eliyahu: Succah 52b
Prayer on Mount Carmel: Berachot 6b, 9b
His Cave of hiding was
Created at Sunset of Day 6 of Creation
: Pesachim 54a
The cave in which Eliyahu stood when he was exposed to Gd's Glory: Megillah 19b
He didn't die when he ascended to Heaven: Moed Katan 26a
The drought Eliyahu created in the time of Achav, and whether it affected dew as well as rain: Taanit 3a-b
Hoshea ben Aylah
On the
15th of Av
, Hoshea ben Aylah destroyed the roadblocks to the Temple which Yeravam had erected: Taanit 31a
Meisha, King of Moav
Gd never wanted Meisha to offer his son: Taanit 4a
One should hope to have friends like Naaman's, for they healed his leprosy: Nedarim 40a
Why King Yehoachaz was
, given that he was already the heir to the throne - the concern for his brother Yehoyakim's claim: Keritot 5b
Yehoram ben Achav
The famine in the time of Yehoram ben Achav: Taanit 5a
Yehoyada haKohen
A Talmudic lesson Yehoyada taught: Temurah 23b-24a
Yehu ben Nimshi
Why King Yehoachaz was
, given that he was a king of Yisrael: Keritot 5b
Yeravam ben Nevat
Yeravam as a prime example of one who sinned and caused others to sin: Rosh HaShanah 17a
Yeravam ben Nevat's attempt to block the
Bringing of the First Fruits to the Temple
: Taanit 28a
On the
15th of Av
, Hoshea ben Aylah destroyed the roadblocks to the Temple which Yeravam had erected: Taanit 31a
"May his name rot": Taanit 28a
His son Aviyah destroyed his roadblocks to ascend to Jerusalem for a holiday: Moed Katan 28b
His fate in
: Rosh HaShanah 17a
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